+32 Back to front/front to back it don't matter. You still dirty if you don't use water. amirite?

by Dry-Paint 5 months ago

Bidet user try not to be obsessed with other people's bootyholes challenge

by Anonymous 5 months ago

What if you have to poop outside or at an inconvenient time? Bidet is convenient in that case

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You an American aint ya?

by Dry-Paint 5 months ago

European user try not to find any reason to feel superior to Americans even in how bootyholes are cleaned challenge

by Anonymous 5 months ago

This is a genuinely bizarre fixation to have

by Anonymous 5 months ago

That's your best argument?

by Dry-Paint 5 months ago

Your argument is about bootyholes you really don't have a leg to stand on here

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Women have to wipe front to back regardless of water. There isn't a debate.

by Dkirlin 5 months ago

I can understand a dude's perspective too, but for women there is a genuine need to go front to back.

by Muted-Horror2864 5 months ago

Women can get bad infections if they get feces in their vagina. So a baby girl with a poopy diaper you must wipe front to back and never ever go A to V.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

What, don't you know how to use the three seashells?!

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Ard this one is good

by Dry-Paint 5 months ago

No big no for anyone with a vagina!!! It can and will give you a bacterial infection if you wipe back to front my dude

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I mean you can delete "can" and just leave "will" lol, your chances of getting a bacterial infection from wiping poop into your vagina are 100%

by Anonymous 5 months ago

That's the goal you're setting… good enough not to leave skid marks. You speak as someone who's never used a bidet. Once you have one, everything else seems uncivilized. ( speaking as an American who refused to install the bidet my wife bought for 3 years) buy one, you'll thank me later

by zmarvin 5 months ago

My sister gets hives from her bidet so she bidoesnt

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Is she allergic to water?

by Mammoth_Benefit_1182 5 months ago

It definitely matters for chicks if they wipe back to front

by runolfsdottirsu 5 months ago

If you're not spraying your a$$ with Mountain Dew, then it's still dirty.

by Proper_Lifeguard_810 5 months ago

OP wipes back to front with water.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Direction matters for women. Poop in the box = bad. Poop on the balls is bad, but not as bad as getting it in the box. Water is a plus, but it's not like there is soap in it either. I'm sure a well-tuned bidet is effective, but a combination of regular tp and wet wipes works just fine. TP for any large residue and the wipes to clean the area. If it's good enough for a baby, it's good enough for an adult.

by Top_Meeting 5 months ago

Use a corn cob like a real man!

by FlimsyCombination472 5 months ago