+11 Youve never seen an old person with a tatoo, amirite?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

YOU have never seen an old person with a tattoo.

by SuggestionSlight4403 5 months ago

Lies. I'm a nurse. They have them, just in places you generally wouldn't see on the daily.

by Ok-Engine-9255 5 months ago

I absolutely have. Just about every WWII veteran I've ever met.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I have seen plenty. You know that tatoos werent invented in the mid 2000's right?

by Hefty-Woodpecker 5 months ago

Lol this is not something you can generally apply

by cbergstrom 5 months ago

Sure, the tattoos are just faded and kind of wrinkly depending where they are.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I've seen mummies with tattoos.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Ever seen a metal band?

by Original_Bee 5 months ago

Concentration camp survivors...

by Legitimate_Sea 5 months ago

Wtf are you taking about

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Have you never met an old Jewish person?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Not yet... As a millennial without tattoos I'm looking forward to confusing some nursing home worker someday with my lack of ugly birthmarks.

by Anonymous 5 months ago