-9 Women in western countries don't know how lucky they are vs Women born in Asia or the Middle East. amirite?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Lol, I'm pretty sure OP is 12 or younger 😂

by Plenty_Radish300 5 months ago

but twitter is only 17 years old. LOLOLOLOLOL

by Anonymous 5 months ago

but Twitter is only 17 years old And yet these dudes find a way

by Anonymous 5 months ago

just because someone else has it worse, doesn't make it right. that's like me starving my child for a few days and saying, you have no right to complain because some kid somewhere in Africa hasn't eaten in a week.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

OP: "Getting stabbed isn't as bas as getting stabbed with a blunt knife 👍"

by Fuzzy_Sweet_7921 5 months ago

Yet being grateful for what you do have seems to be a hard concept for you western women to understand 🤣🫵

by Kipmacejkovic 5 months ago

Maybe you should start by having something to offer

by Haunting-Pickle 5 months ago

There are still many problems that western woman have to put up with and they have every right to complain about these problems. maybe grow up a little and touch some grass instead of complaining about woman on the internet.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Didn't know starving was invented by western women.

by Fhauck 5 months ago

So nobody should ever complain or be offended about anything because someone out there has a it worse. Disagree.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

What a brave opinion that is 100% original to you regarding multiple situations & lifestyles I can almost certainly assume you have and will not ever face. Added bonus of fetishizing Asian women - yup total hot take & there aren't swarms of incels & neckbeards who agree with you at all.

by labadiejadyn 5 months ago

I think most women do know.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

We could say the same of Western men.

by praynor 5 months ago

Remember if women western countries can't complain about their problems because women in 3rd world countries have it worse, then logically women in 3rd world countries can never be happy because women in western countries have it better. Agree or disagree?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Surely because every women in a 3rd world country wants to be some mentally unstable obese western women 🫵🤣

by Kipmacejkovic 5 months ago

I can only imagine what you look like 🤣

by WesternCow 5 months ago

why do so many men like Asian girls and culture?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Well there are also many men that like Latinas or Slavic girls, so what? Everyone has their preference. This does not prove anything.

by Conscious-Nebula 5 months ago

Women in Asia are more beautiful than who?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I hate to break it to u, but the vast majority of Asian women aren't prostitutes and the vast majority of middle eastern women talk to men other than their husbands and fathers (in fact many now hold college degrees and work outside of the house). It's not that they don't still have their issues and it's not that western women aren't still comparatively privileged in many ways, but to say that's how life is for all women in asia/me is basically strawmanning. Also, the fact a group is comparatively privileged doesn't mean they have none of their own issues.

by Aggressive_Net 5 months ago

didn't say they were

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Tell that to all the women killed by their husbands… in western countries. Being a woman in every part of the globe sucks. You are just frustrated cause you couldn't get laid.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

here's the difference - dummy, women in the west compare themselves to MEN in the west, not women in other countries that don't have our standards for equality

by Old_Plum 5 months ago

Good thing you're here to tell me how I'm fortunate not to be a whore. It's not like I'm capable of reading anything about other countries and lifestyles. /s Am I supposed to take disrespect from everyone because of that? Get over yourself

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Well, OP is kinda small minded but you didn't have to take it so personally.

by Conscious-Nebula 5 months ago

I agree with everything up until the end. People having it worse elsewhere is a reason to be grateful, but not a reason to shut up and stagnate on issues

by brakusmarlen 5 months ago

I can imagine precisely the kind of man you are with near certainty.

by WesternCow 5 months ago

"You are sitting in the same f*cking pool as me" Bill Burr about (white) women

by Square_Necessary_207 5 months ago

Whether you are fighting against the small injustices of patriarchy or the gross ones, you are still fighting the same thing. And without fighting against them, they just GET BIGGER. So don't minimize anyone's problems...especially while spouting some racist stereotypes and misogyny.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

see this is just first world women trying to make their lives drama. Go out and have brunch and enjoy your soft feminism mimosa

by Anonymous 5 months ago

And this is just a white guy bitching about women on the internet

by Haunting-Pickle 5 months ago

Yeah, any woman in the middle east had sex with a man out of marriage or even sometimes a relationship would be killed or shamed until the rest of her life or forced to marry this guy and the law allows the man to honour killing his wife if she cheated but not the opposite. I had a friend whose father was threatening to strangle her when she was a child if she did anything sexual and another girl lived with her uncle who was abusive and SA'd her and it was exposed that she's in a relationship which made her committed suicide

by dayana73 5 months ago

Ah the old "you oppressed person have it better than these other oppressed people so you must not really be oppressed you should take what I give you, shut up and be happy" argument.

by Shot-Influence 5 months ago

Nuclear families are kind of a white thing tbh

by Anonymous 5 months ago

they do know, they just know most spineless scum formerly known as men will always put up with them. also, we can worry about or unique problems in the first world, so some of women's whining is appropriate.

by dooleyreggie 5 months ago

It can always be better.

by Affectionate_Leg2514 5 months ago

OP totally forgot about the existence of Southamerica

by Anonymous 5 months ago

it sucks for them too.

by Anonymous 5 months ago