+4 Grafitti is ugly, and those who spray it all over the place need to be faced with a more serious charge. amirite?

by issac23 5 months ago

This is not very disco

by Relevant-Hat 5 months ago

Disco inferno

by Glass-Suspect889 5 months ago

Tagging is ugly and dumb. Street art can be fabulous.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Unfortunately 90% of 'street art' is tagging with an extra color added

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Am i the only one who thinks a nice tag in the right spot looks good? Gang tags on the side of a train or on the backboard of a basketball hoop can give it a cool urban aesthetic. Besides, don't we have enough boring blank walls around our cities?

by Expensive_Rough316 5 months ago

agreed. It's the urban street hieroglyphics. If the Egyptians did it, why can't we?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Probably yeah

by karliankunding 5 months ago

That's literally the definition of graffiti Just say you only like street art

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I disagree Tagging is really cool, making the letters look interesting and finding a good spot is whole art

by Anonymous 5 months ago

In my old town, someone painted "Art is not a crime" on the side of a car wash. Someone later put an "F" on the front in a different color to make "Fart is not a crime." It gave me years of chuckles every time I drove by. Sometimes graffiti is worth it. I still use it to this day. My wife will give me an accusatory look and I'll respond "Fart is not a crime." My kids do it too now.

by Old-Run1590 5 months ago

"How a single letter changed a man's life" A true story……brought to you by Netflix.

by ResortOwn9960 5 months ago

Cancelled after one season like everything else they make

by Organic_Stand7561 5 months ago

Looking for a job???? Signed Netflix

by ResortOwn9960 5 months ago

There used to be graffiti on a sign coming in to my town that read: "Hi it me John". Laughed every time I drove past. So simple yet so effective.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

This is beautiful

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Graffiti officially created generational oral history, I think this case is closed

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Never really had much sacred around here to begin with. Don't really see churches or landmarks getting tagged in my area.

by Porter68 5 months ago

Oh, graffiti in nature hits different for me I have to admit. I'm not a fan of that at all

by Porter68 5 months ago

Just leaving downtown Nashville and they've done a remarkably good job of eliminating it. So much of it is just ugly and has no artistic merit.

by Maybelle93 5 months ago

I'd much rather see graffiti than all the advertising plastered over everything. 🤷🏻‍♂️

by chesterspinka 5 months ago

False choice.

by Hesselallene 5 months ago

I mean I like graffiti. It's great art. Usually brightens up some dreadful architecture. A freeway wall. A overpass. Trains. Most of it is in places that are bland

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Gang names lol

by Anonymous 5 months ago

If it was actual art people would commission it (and sometimes they do) but for the most part it's unwanted

by natashakonopels 5 months ago

Lol! Those freeway sign ones always make me wonder how in hell anyone got up to that area. It always makes me laugh cause I imagine someone just shooting a web like spider man to get up there. xD

by Anonymous 5 months ago

My stepdaughter loves graffiti. So we are always looking for it when driving places. She's all about art. She often wonders about that as well.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Oh yea, I'd much rather see some random gang banger's moronic street name plastered all over everything than a nice clean bridge

by WaltzOk 5 months ago

Not all grafitti is tagging

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Most graffiti isn't gang related

by Anonymous 5 months ago

That's what 99.9999% of everything is. The tasteful mural on the side of a building is one in a million

by WaltzOk 5 months ago

Cheers I'll tag something for you.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Make some big looping curls on the end of the letters or have them be really bold. No one's ever seen that before. You're totally unique and talented

by WaltzOk 5 months ago

Yes because everyone who decides to pick up a spray paint can is automatically a hardened criminal. Sometimes people experiencing struggles find a wall to let that out on. Sometimes it's a way to memorialize a lost friend. Sometimes it's a cool way to make an owl out of a blank wall and an hour of time.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Don't people have paper and markers anymore... But if you want to put it like this, not everyone who picks up a spray paint is an artist either.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Dude how are you this mad about spray paint? I just feel sad for you at this point.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Nooooooo! Don't have an opinion on things 😭 😤🤬 That's you

by WaltzOk 5 months ago

Lol good cope. Get a hobby

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Yes, advertising is the bane of society as well. Whenever I see an ad I just want to tear it down.

by issac23 5 months ago

I don't think graffiti is a bane to society. It's been a part of every society since humans have been on this earth. In my experience, it's mostly older white folks who are afraid of big cities that are most upset by graffiti. To me, it's art.🤷🏻‍♂️

by chesterspinka 5 months ago

Kinda like language evolves...

by Alternative_Top 5 months ago

No one wants to see advertisements either but they still put them up

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I remember some ancient Roman graffiti that said, "Woe to the ladies, for I only enjoy men now." Hell, what do people think cave paintings were?

by Minimum_Dance_5900 5 months ago

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it is in a garbage rural area, that I hate it so much. I am young, but I still was not raised around cities.

by issac23 5 months ago

Legitimate advertisements don't deface public art, like the graffiti thugs do where I live. There was a painting on the side of a card store that had been there as long as I remember and it was ruined with graffiti.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Advertising is legal

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I mean to me it's a sliding scale. If you vandalize an important, historic building, obviously you deserve a pretty big punishment. But if it's some old, abandoned warehouse next to some railroad tracks or some random place under a bridge, yeah they of course deserve punishment, but definitely not as a big deal

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Eh, I'm not even talking about being able to read the sign or not, but it seems like anything standing upright in my town has become fair game the last few years. Not a good look (especially when combined with other signs of 'decay')

by Ubayer 5 months ago

They are probably toy asf then. There's unwritten rules to graffiti.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Wow that's very authoritarian for a movement with its roots in anarchism. Gotta lick graffiti boot.

by Technical_Holiday 5 months ago

So what happens when the bad driver t bones a minivan full of kids?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Oddly specific example

by Anonymous 5 months ago

It's never just that place. That is one of many places they do it. By the time they are caught they have done thousands in damages on buildings, garages, trucks, trains....

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Oh no our poor advertising!!!! /s

by Anonymous 5 months ago

They didn't say anything about advertising...

by Anonymous 5 months ago

what damages? it's paint

by annamarie83 5 months ago

Well they don't HAVE to clean it up. Especially if it's likely to get vandalized again. Offering a clean white wall to the vandals is almost like you're asking for graffiti.

by Sonnymurray 5 months ago

Sounds like graffiti artists are making jobs.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

what does that have to do with spray paint?

by annamarie83 5 months ago

Barely over .5 of a million in a year, in the concrete jungle? Assuming this includes labor cost (I.e. pay) Not entirely sure you're making the point you want to.

by sjacobi 5 months ago

That's transit only. That doesn't include businesses, public buildings, bridges and private residences.... It really sucks when you come out if any part of your house is painted. The time, money and inconvenience is ridiculous. Not any less of a hassle (or expense) than if they break a window on your car or the screen on your phone.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Car or your clothing, TV, iPhone etc... clearly getting responses from children that don't own anything of value.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Pretty much everyone agrees on that There are "rules" in graffiti usually people dont vandalize historic buildings,houses or murals There are some assholes that do it but as far as I've seen they are a minority

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I'd say there is a huge difference between tags and someone trying to make a piece of art. Tags are just stupid and ugly

by heaven79 5 months ago

Tags lead to those bigger pieces of art. There's a lot that goes into a good tag as well. However since you haven't done anything to do with graff you just don't understand.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Yeah very few are good. That's how people get good at it. As I said they lead to those bigger pieces of art.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Yeah I agree. But it could definitely be done in less visable areas, it's not like you need to get your name out on practice runs or are waiting for feedback from a random. That's a choice on individual level, tunnel or a monument. You know, one doesn't paint over train cart ID or a random car, that's just community being mindful Tbh cities are to blame too in so many cases. Put up good quality legal walls/areas, people gonna paint anyways, might as well just redirect the wave

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Alright 🤷‍♂️ Sorry you like to look at corporate ads instead of art.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Sorry you think a tag is 'art'. My 5 year old makes better art than that

by heaven79 5 months ago

Yeah it's vandalism. If you don't like it stay mad.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Oh don't misunderstand. I'm not mad. I'm just not interested in the trash some people want to call 'art' simply because they aren't good enough to be a real artist lol.

by Florine69 5 months ago

Yes those are the only two options, corporate ads or trashy vandalism.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Can you imagine the sick painting we would have if cave people had spray paint cans?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

They sort of did - they'd hold the paint in their mouth, then forcibly spit it out - say over their hand, to get the hand-stencil look.

by Madyson80 5 months ago

If a punishment deters you for doing something you shouldn't be doing, then it isn't harsh, it's doing its job

by acollier 5 months ago

I totally agree with making the charge within reason, but I feel like they should do some form of real community service or something.

by issac23 5 months ago

Mandatory service hours in a graffiti cleaning company

by Ahuels 5 months ago

Yes, this sounds sufficient

by issac23 5 months ago

with a toothbrush

by Independent-Coast794 5 months ago

it's not just worse sight though, right?

by Independent-Coast794 5 months ago

for me tagging is the same as not flushing the toilet. Its unsightly, ruins the area and no one really wants to see your handywork

by JuniorCountry 5 months ago

In many countries, people who do that get flogged.

by Edd59 5 months ago

Now we're talkin'! I'm only kidding, but the leniency on vandalism and trespassing is laughable at times. I feel the same about blatant littering as well. Huge fines and community service for them all 👍

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Having lived in Chicago for a while, the graffiti art adds so much life into the city

by Choice-Illustrator70 5 months ago

Yes, maybe in cities. But in rural areas? It is horrible.

by issac23 5 months ago

PlzDontFeedTheHumans was here.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

An abandoned building isn't a "historical site" just because it's older than you.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I actually think a lot of graffiti is really nice. In Glasgow we have huge murals all over the city made by graffiti artists they provide personality to what would be a plain wall or side of a building. If you are talking about some random person with a spray can tagging their names and the year. E.g Sam was here 2023. That's ugly, but a lot of graffiti is not like that and Is actually very nice.

by Konopelskiheath 5 months ago

Yeah I live in the coal region of Appalachia (the gutter of America) so tags and graffiti in an already bleak and dank place just really kills whatever slight joy it could possibly have.

by issac23 5 months ago

I used to agree about the "sam wuz here" type stuff but I've learned even that has its place. It starts a wall with something that doesn't matter much and makes it more open for the more artistic ones to cover it. Like someone has to lay the first lines, break the 'silence' on the wall, and then it evolves from there.

by DismalPraline6026 5 months ago

Ok bro

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Yes, they've deluded themselves into believing since it is art, they can do it wherever they want.

by issac23 5 months ago

They're not 'the only option', just a really obvious and easy analogy, and pretty much the only other kind of 'art' (ads aren't art but you know what I mean, visual media or whatever) that we have in public. And you don't have bill boards where you're from?! That's pretty cool.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

That is done with the intention and consent of property/billboard owners. Totally different.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You haven't done anything to do with graff. You simply don't understand it.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

lol alright. I'll keep doing it and you stay mad.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Or you could be a grown up and apply your art to something useful and, you know, decent to look at?

by issac23 5 months ago

It is decent to look at. You simply don't understand because you haven't done anything with graffiti.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I find it ugly because I haven't done anything with graffiti? What?

by issac23 5 months ago

Graffiti is art

by RevenueAdvanced1286 5 months ago

There is a big difference between graffiti and vandalism. Graffiti has rules and ethics. It's a community that holds each other to certain standards. For example, graffiti artists have rules against painting on private property, or anything that isn't a building, like a car. What you are describing is vandalism.

by Yostmortimer 5 months ago

Nah graffiti is still vandalism. That's the point of it.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Wrong. By definition, vandalism causes damage or destruction of property. Real graffiti artists know how to get their message across in nondestructive ways.

by Yostmortimer 5 months ago

Does the average owner of an abandoned building care what it looks like

by Odd_Hour_4968 5 months ago

They might if they have to foot the bill to get it cleaned, so yeah.

by watersokey 5 months ago

How often do abandoned buildings get cleaned like that?

by Hayesanabelle 5 months ago

Graffiti is vandalism. It is causing damage to the property that they paint on.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

It's not vandalism just because you say it is.

by Hayesanabelle 5 months ago

Painting over or removing graffiti is expensive, and if it's on something that's not already painted the surface is pretty much ruined. It's 100% vandalism. If it doesn't belong to you then you should paint it.

by natashakonopels 5 months ago

This is how the actual artists start though. I think there needs to be a balance? some graffiti can be beautiful, having it everywhere looks trashy. And they want to rebel so spending a night in jail once a while shouldn't be a problem to them.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I grant you that some good artist start young and with disregard to the law e) I agree with you having them everywhere looks even more trashy did see some rare cool drawings, but 99% is people who are just marking public and private spaces with their own meaning which may not be understood by anybody, or spraying around nasty words/provocative stuff

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I still think there needs to be space for that, as it inspires "some" of the early artists to develop a real passion for it and move beyond tagging. However like I said there needs to be balance. Consequences and opportunities. Especially don't cry if you get jailed couple of days lol, that's part of being a rebel. Maybe they should be a little bit tighter though.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I admit, this is a much better approach.

by issac23 5 months ago

You know you are not in a good neighborhood when you see "ACAB" spray painted everywhere. Doesn't exactly help the property values either.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Yes! It's hideous and trashy as hell! Ruins all urban areas. The idiots who do it should be fined, serve a week or so in jail AND have to scrub it off and be on probation where if they get caught again, ever, they double the fine and time they do.

by Agitated_Hat18 5 months ago

If there is one place that I condone graffiti, it's on a church.

by marjolaine58 5 months ago

Even old ones? The nicely carved stone churches? You condone desecrating those?

by issac23 5 months ago

i want more graffiti. it looks cool

by annamarie83 5 months ago

Well, it's been going on for thousands of years, I doubt we solve it now.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Generalization is bad. There are many different kinds of graffiti and many different places. There are entire graffiti streets (or districts) in major European cities, and people get rewarded for drawing there.

by Lcollins 5 months ago

There is a street art and there is vandalism. I like street art; I don't like people vandalizing private property with explicit phrases and pictures.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I love graffiti, I think it looks dope as hell

by Anonymous 5 months ago

How severely you trying to punish someone for getting paint on something?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Where do you draw the line between "street art" and "graffiti"?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Popular opinion: Churches are trash and should be graffiti'd.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

A lot of churches are beautiful. Even as an atheist, you must admit some are very nice.

by issac23 5 months ago

Beautiful and trash.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Churches are kinda ugly too tho.

by horace12 5 months ago

I love trashy graffiti, I don't know why. To see "Dante sucks cock" just sprayed so perfectly on something in public makes me happy.

by sonny66 5 months ago

Lol to each their own. But if I see stuff like that on a building from the 1800s, it pisses me off beyond words.

by issac23 5 months ago

I couldn't care less.

by sonny66 5 months ago

Ok boomer

by Dapper_Art2382 5 months ago

DECENT grafitti is cool to see, and annoying when buisnesses paint over it when its not even on a wall they use

by Anonymous 5 months ago

"Not to mention spray painting profane..." Lol, what a twat. Grafitti and tagging are different things. Grafitti is street art, it is quite literally a piece of art made on the street, usually made with permission or in places where it makes sense. Tagging is just dumb. Makes everything look like a middle schooler desk or notebook with scribles all over. Either way, I don't think anyone like people that tags or vandalize ancient architecture or ruins. This people are just assholes. That is not an unpopular opinion, you just need to aim it at people that deserves it.

by Sensitive_Pie 5 months ago

Well, illegal graffiti should obviously be punished, but I think there should be opportunities for street art and decorating the facades of Buildings by locals Form the Community as well as Youths.

by YouMediocre8265 5 months ago

I work in a paint store and I'm always tempted to bring either a primer or something else to cover the truly awful graffiti in my area...but then I consider that I really don't want to be caught next to a swastika with a spray can in my hand.

by Dry_Accountant 5 months ago

Grafitti can be very beautiful depending on how much effort is put in. Like, I don't think we should do it at historical sites, but like? Abandoned places? Over advertisements? Making a mural on a chunk of sidewalk? Very cool

by msenger 5 months ago

I mean a mural of something or someone vs. nonsense colors or profane sentences

by issac23 5 months ago

NOTHING IS sacred. That's the whole point.

by kossdolly 5 months ago

Seriously. But we have to support the police and defend them. They can't be great because the public and pathetic politicians handicap them

by Anonymous 5 months ago