+16 We have the technology to make star wars doors, it's just expensive and inconvenient. amirite?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

They make them all the time for set pieces.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

And a massive safety hazard. Especially those ones that close in the middle. imagine getting your weiner stuck in there Hey, 911, it's Quagmire. Yeah it's stuck in a star wars door this time

by Anonymous 5 months ago

OK Mr biggus dickus over here

by Anonymous 5 months ago

he has a wife you know!

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You know what she's called?

by Cultural-Peanut-3126 5 months ago

Yeah same with IRL sliding doors, if your dick accidentally gets between that it's getting chopped off. Wait…

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Your username gives me RuneScape ptsd

by Anonymous 5 months ago

What you mean? My grocery store has doors that open and close automatically

by Anonymous 5 months ago

We have automatic doors lots of places

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Its just a sliding door that goes vertically instead of horizontally, right?

by PlasticIll9143 5 months ago

But think of the dramatic flair it would add to everyday situations... "Honey, I'm home!" *swish* "Welcome back, darling."

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Sounds good but I'd end up just walking in and out like 10 times a day for no reason. Honey I got your glass of water swish

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Just make sure they are tall enough... you know, so that the stormtroopers dont bonk thier helmets on it.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Every time I walk through a normie door, I just think "These aren't the doors you're looking for."

by Single-Simple4207 5 months ago