+22 Earlobes - are utterly useless from an evolutionary POV, amirite?

by PotatoStreet2081 5 months ago

There are plenty of useless parts of us. Male nipples, wisdom teeth, and the tailbone all come to mind.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Wisdom teeth and the tailbone are vestigials, they all originated from a part of our body that at one time had an advantageous purpose. Earlobes have always been absolutely useless.

by PotatoStreet2081 5 months ago

Wisdom teeth are only became useless after the invention of processed food.

by Xmurray 5 months ago

Asian mothers would disagree

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Yeah that's why I opted out of them when I was conceived

by Key_While_137 5 months ago

So, you know better than evolution?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Appendix enters the chat.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Appendix used to be useful

by Anonymous 5 months ago

It still might be.

by Eladiowatsica 5 months ago

It still plays a role in your immune system

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Evolution is random happenstance culled by environmental situations, it has no wisdom, memory, or knowledge

by zkutch 5 months ago