+7 Bookmarks are stupid. amirite?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Happened to me today, lost my bookmark and had to shuffle through until I found where I hadn't read up to. Wasted a minute or so, bookmark would've saved me grief.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

The minute wasn't wasted, you reminded yourself of some of the things you've read before.

by Heavy-Animator 5 months ago

I didn't need reminding though

by Anonymous 5 months ago

If the break in reading was very short you indeed don't need reminding. But if the break was more than a few hours I feel like a bit of reminding is necessary to fully engage in a story. Try to continue a conversation with a person after a few hours break without reminding what you were talking about and what your points were.

by Heavy-Animator 5 months ago

How does flip through the pages of a book to find the last page you where reading improve your experience? I would use a bookmark even if I was remembering perfectly the page, it's just much more continent to open the book exactly where you have left it.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Why not? Why make your life harder than it needs to be? Its just more convenient to have a marker for it. Its not like having to remember where u where at, makes the hole experience better.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Except it does. Good stories are meant to be read mindfully, then you're fully drawn into them. Placing a bookmark inside a book makes me feel like I'm "breaking" the plot. The plot is now divided and has two parts - the one before the bookmark and the one after the bookmark. It's not whole. Then I think I can just cut the "before" part away and ignore it, because I've read it already and I don't need to go back and recap. That's how bookmarks make me feel lol

by Heavy-Animator 5 months ago

first bait of the morning.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

laughs in ADHD Bro if I put the book away I might even forget I was reading it an hour later, let alone remember the exact page or line I ended on. You need some actual issues to get mad about :D

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Nice one OP, this is exceptionally dumb.

by Responsible-Cut-8204 5 months ago

Thanks for your elaborate opinion, bookmark boy.

by Heavy-Animator 5 months ago

Brother, do you always go to places where you can find unpopular opinions just to be able to reject these opinions and call people dumb? Is that your way to make yourself feel better?

by Heavy-Animator 5 months ago

No, there are some valid unpopular opinions here sometimes. But there is a difference between unpopular and nonsensical/dumb.

by Responsible-Cut-8204 5 months ago

You're rejecting many objective facts: situations where bookmarks are useful without invalidating the readers investment in the book.

by Responsible-Cut-8204 5 months ago

I've named a few useful objective applications and did not reject them. Then I understand the other applications that people named and accept that they may be valid, but I explained why I think that not using bookmarks is actually better.

by Heavy-Animator 5 months ago

Unpopular opinion is not the same as smart, rational opinion.

by robelaudrey 5 months ago

Tell me you don't have a life without telling me you don't have a life. To think about the last read page until I pick up the book again, and to do everything else my life consists of is beyond anything even remotely sane.

by robelaudrey 5 months ago

That's not how memory works, brother. If you haven't figured that out yet - You actually don't need to constantly think about something to remember it.

by Heavy-Animator 5 months ago

To think that I should remember all the time the exact page of the book that has 500+ pages is absurd. I have something called life and that life has more important things to remember than exact page of a book I'm reading rn. Zip it boy.

by robelaudrey 5 months ago

Well allow something to get through that thick skull of yours to the pea sized brian, and I won't have to emphasize it. For the last time, zip it boy.

by robelaudrey 5 months ago

Sometimes we fall asleep while reading and just have enough consciousness to insert the bookmark to get a rough idea of where we left off.

by miguelbergstrom 5 months ago

Remembering where you are in the story and remembering what page number that was specifically are two entirely different things, I'm not sure you understand what bookmarks are actually for

by Anonymous 5 months ago