+11 Tea tastes like Soap, amirite?

by Illustrious_Cable965 5 months ago

Most likely you didn't rinse out your cups enough. I'm not an avid tea drinker, but it has never tasted like soap to me. But try Moroccan mint tea at a Moroccan restaurant, that's one tea I'll always order if I'm at such a restaurant.

by Aidaprice 5 months ago

You might be weird.

by RevolutionaryElk 5 months ago

If your tea tastes like soap, you're doing it wrong.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Another one who doesn't read.

by Illustrious_Cable965 5 months ago

Maybe a medical condition?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Wth? Lol. That's almost insultingšŸ¤£. being I think everything not beef or pork tastes like chicken, sweet is sweet, sour is sour, cilantro is citrusy, blood is irony, pedialyte is salty, and redbull tatses like a cup full of rusty change, I think Im pretty normal. šŸ˜

by Illustrious_Cable965 5 months ago

The more important question is why do you drink soap to even have this comparison?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

So you've never washed your face, huh? Whats that like?

by Illustrious_Cable965 5 months ago

Do you wash your face with an open mouth?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

During surprise face washings I do!

by Illustrious_Cable965 5 months ago

Okay- but which soap? (I cussed a lot as a child, so I've tasted pretty much every brand of soap... hated Lava, but always kind of liked Irish Spring)

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You know the walnut scented pumice soap from shop class? That bubbly soft tinge on the back of your tongue.

by Illustrious_Cable965 5 months ago

Ah, before they started using GoJo. I remember...

by Anonymous 5 months ago