Gifs are some of the greatest underated things to exist, amirite?
by dlangworth7 months ago
I guess everything is better than emojis. Texting with someone who uses them is annoying.
by Anonymous7 months ago
Do you like gifs or just animated pictures in general? Cause gif is a pretty outdated format.
by Anonymous7 months ago
You kids today you just don't know how it once was back when lempel-ziv was a big deal and compuserve was a big thing and we all had to go through hell trying to do .gif encoders and so .png was invented but it just weren't the same but at least it wasn't that gawdawful jpeg that didn't even support animations and so some people were trying to use .flc and even .mng that nobody even remembers boy I tell you what it ain't right what happened with lempel-ziv and now we can't even agree if it's a jih-if or a guh-if I tell you it's the rsa algorithm clipper chip all over again where's my fork who stole my fork!
by Anonymous 7 months ago
by Anonymous 7 months ago
by Anonymous 7 months ago
by Anonymous 7 months ago