+25 Polyamory isnt as bad as you think! amirite?

by Phane 5 months ago

No, thanks

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Says the person who can't readily get cute people to date them to begin with*

by Complete-Play1458 5 months ago

That's a low blow for no reason. The person simply said no thanks. Why so defensive ? You feel threatened and not secure in your beliefs.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Attachment and ego are the enemies here Right as usual, Obi-Wan

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You won't see any negatives so long as those two men never ask themselves which one is your preferred lover. The moment they question it…oh well.

by Keeley46 5 months ago

Not everyone is driven by a pathetic ego like that…

by Complete-Play1458 5 months ago

You think it's ego to wonder if the person you love loves you more than they love someone else?

by Keeley46 5 months ago

Good enough to be one of several partners, sure. So you're not enough for them, because if you were, they wouldn't need more partners.

by Keeley46 5 months ago

People can love, yes TRULY LOVE, more than one person at the same time. Monogamy aims to instill the lie that it can't happen, it's a lie. Monogamy has stolen so so much love from this world. Not on purpose but by the nature of its being. It's time we questioned it

by Complete-Play1458 5 months ago

I agree, they can. I never said otherwise. What I said was that those relationships do show that someone can clearly not be good enough, because if they were, their partner wouldn't need to seek out others too.

by Keeley46 5 months ago

theres no questions like that because we all know we love each other the same. we are 3 men in love

by Phane 5 months ago

Mhmm, you say that now. But if you were forced to pick between one of them, you know which one you'd pick. All it takes is a single moment of someone wondering who that'd be.

by Keeley46 5 months ago

assuming something for someone in a 2 year relationship isnt the way to go ya know. you dont know them as people.

by Phane 5 months ago

What I do know about people is that asking questions is a natural human thing. So long as they don't ask that specific question, it'll all be fine probably.

by Keeley46 5 months ago

I mean it never works for a reason right?? Outliers will exist for everything but people tend to pass judgment on what happens 99 percent of the time unseats of that 1 percent.

by Anonymous 5 months ago


by Several-Buddy9654 5 months ago

No need to ask, they'll gladly tell you over and over and over.

by Confident-Owl 5 months ago

I'm in a very happy polyamorous triad. Communication is the only way any relationship can work, monogamous or not.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

like in any relationship?

by Phane 5 months ago

But the scale of the problem is different. Like diahreea would be be a much bigger problem in bdsm relationship than in regular one.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Sure but it's also very much the case that because of the dynamic of poly relationships the problem often gets exacerbated and can be harder to deal with.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Of course it's good to you, you're probably the "lead", the queen bee of the hive. Or, to put it more bluntly, the selfish member of the relationship who is enjoying the pros with few, or none, of the cons. Which is the driving force of polyamorous relationships. It's all fun and games until someone gets their feelings hurt. And just because it ain't you, it doesn't make it any less questionable. Also, no matter how you spin it, it's still about selfishness and lack of commitment. Sooner or later someone WILL get tired or disillusioned about the whole endeavor.

by Visual_Gur 5 months ago

I think we're moving away from monogamy. I don't think I could be in a poly relationship myself, too much effort and I just got married yesterday, but if everyone is happy and of legal age in whatever relationship they want then I say go for it

by Willisboyer 5 months ago

Depends heavily on relationship to relationship, you have a good relationship. But there's a ton of such relationships where one partner's insecurities can ruin it for everyone. While I have no interest in such a relationship, I have no qualms with people that do have them. Plus there's a lot more communication needed in polyamory compared to monogamy, but then again a lot of monogamous relations have poor communication XD

by Anonymous 5 months ago

unless it's me with two people I've chosen and they do and feel what I want I'm not up for it. Sound realistic? Yeah nah..

by Anonymous 5 months ago

realistic would be them not being up for everything all the time. managing time and interests is also very important in any relationship. the unrealistic part is expecting your partners to be into everything you want and like

by Phane 5 months ago

that sounds like horrible people who cant even handle a single reltaionship. sorry to hear that

by Phane 5 months ago

Are you a man or a woman ?

by reedarmstrong 5 months ago

man. ace. all three of us

by Phane 5 months ago

Ace as in asexual?

by Anonymous 5 months ago


by Phane 5 months ago

lol bro I feel like this is a whole other layer. It's hard to generalize your relationship as an asexual single-gender throuple to the wider world

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I've never met anyone emotionally mature and responsible in such a relationship type. Naturally this is not absolute truth.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

usualy its people not understanding the difference between open relationship and polyamory. or they are just horrible people in general

by Phane 5 months ago