+23 Going to the gym is a waste of time. amirite?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Except you have to eat to survive.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

general exercise twice a week is mostly enough for general health, and food is more important than exercising

by kuhlmangeraldin 5 months ago

You really didn't address like 70% of the stuff I said so I don't see much point in meaningfully responding to this.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Dont eat for for a year and dont workout for a year then come back and tell me the results. Awful comparison.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Yea I was reading thinking exactly this. If I'm consistent with working out..not even that much my general mood is so much happier and its worth it just for that. Let alone the physical change.

by Icy_Ad1275 5 months ago

How is this unpopular? Most Americans live their life like this.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Also middle aged married men!

by boyerluna 5 months ago

If you want to look certain way then gym is the only option.

by Left-Respect 5 months ago

I understand what you are probably trying to say. But gym is definitely not the only way if you want to look a certain way.

by Select-Mammoth 5 months ago

Surgery will look fake. It's easy to tell apart.

by Left-Respect 5 months ago

I didn't say anything about surgery... Try climbing mountains every week and you will be ripped. There are plenty of natural outdoor activities to get you in shape instead of lifting weights at a gym.

by Select-Mammoth 5 months ago

Gym is much more convenient

by Left-Respect 5 months ago

Try climbing mountains living in a city, also gim is much mor safe.

by Wymanmariam 5 months ago

Exactly, I strongly agree with you mate.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You have to exercise for life lol. It's for bone density, muscle mass, and for heart health… aka to keep you alive longer. To increase your healthspan.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Thats why people who drink and smoke live to the ages of 100y +?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

People who eat healthily die at the age of 24. Anecdotes are not statistics.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Statistical anomalies, due to the amount of people who drink and smoke there are bound to be a few who live long but the majority still die very early due to medical conditions caused by smoking and drinking

by Wooden_Asparagus 5 months ago

People also eat themselves to death,what's your point?

by Kellivon 5 months ago

That's because they keep eating the same or more than when they where exercising.

by Wymanmariam 5 months ago

Good thinking right here

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You don't lose your gains. You get lifelong benefits. In terms of muscle mass, you might lose some if you're not eating enough protein while not training. Plus muscle memory is a real thing, any gains you do make naturally are easier to get back after a break.

by Kellivon 5 months ago

Hmm looks like I'll have to take a 2nd look at what I'm doing thanks bud

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Cardio doesn't build muscle (or is not a lot), you build resistance and some muscle. It's better for weight loss on the sort term but that's it.

by Wymanmariam 5 months ago

Someone tell him about dopamine he might not be so sour.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

He was in the military it was beat out of him

by Kellivon 5 months ago

Kinda :c

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Ever considered some people like going to the gym? You might have to force yourself to go sometimes, but that's just discipline and it's training for life, not just muscles. Seeing progress is fun and a good hobby to have if nothing else, I don't see why it's a waste of time

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I dont know. People around me who are 60 or even 70+ do anything by themselves and they havent worked out once in their life.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

That's fine, you make that bet, I'll keep moving till the day I die.

by Ok-Insect6848 5 months ago

The amount of time you need to spend to maintain a certain level of fitness is miniscule compared to the amount of time it takes to build up your fitness. So letting yourself go is actually the true waste of time.

by Rogahnroyal 5 months ago

Not really. Unless you're actively training for a sport or other physical event, you don't need much more than 45-60 minutes in the gym every day. That's a very tiny fraction of the day. It's hardly 'slaving away' lol.

by Rogahnroyal 5 months ago

You don't need to slave away at the gym but exercise is an important part of health and fitness. You might need to adjust the way you view exercise. It will never be permanent but that doesn't mean it's not worthwhile. Just like nutrition and eating healthy. The benefits of vegetables don't last but you should still eat them. Many people enjoy going to the gym I do not. I think it's super boring but there are a lot different ways to work out. I love mtb biking, trail running, paddleboarding, hiking, and pickleball. If I take a long break from any of those it will be harder when I start again but they're still enjoyable.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Awful take

by Anonymous 5 months ago

As awful as your time spent in the gym.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You'd have a different take if you didn't go to the military.

by Kellivon 5 months ago

No I had the same mindset before that. Just proved my self its true.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Cause you're supposed to sustain what you achieved.

by Tillmandillan 5 months ago

Somebody is looking for excuses. Just don't go, dude. Nobody is forcing you.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

This might be one of the worst takes of all time. Insert this in the history books.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Sad when you go to gym consantly and then see no results, isnt it?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

People usually go to the gym to meet a potential date or make friends

by OkInteraction4945 5 months ago

At least thats useful.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You must be young. Once you hit about 40, not only do you get fat, but everything starts breaking down if you don't strength train.

by Icy_Employment 5 months ago

It's okay to have other priorities, that is totally reasonable, but I'd say you're going too far calling it a waste of time. If you go back to working out you'll regain your muscle much faster than when you built it the first time. So don't be discouraged! Resistance training is very beneficial for old age. Not only does it build muscle, it strengthens your joints and increases bone density. These are major factors in protecting yourself from falling over and just dying like some elderly do unfortunately. Bonus points: for a lot of people the activity helps with mental health.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

That's is like saying weight loss is useless because if you go back to eating the same you are gonna win the weight back. You don't go to the gim 2 months and left it, you are supose to keep going/do exercise at home or elsewhere.

by Wymanmariam 5 months ago

Looked at his profile. One of the first things I saw was premature ejaculation. Maybe working out can help with that. Lol

by shaun44 5 months ago

i agree that gym sucks, it's way better to exercise at home. Save a lot of time and you can maintain a pretty good shape with some basic exercises.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

But when you get back in you gain your strength quicker than if you never went

by Plenty_Mastodon 5 months ago

Just play a sport. At least that is fun while it keeps you somewhat in shape (you probably also retain some skill when you quit)

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I have to do it for my job as well. I must maintain a standard of fitness in order to perform adequately or risk being let go.

by Flashy_Stay 5 months ago

I buy undeveloped, heavily wooded lots, turn them into a park-like settings, then resell. Not only is my "gym" free, I make a few bucks, too. (I'm on my 4th one!)

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Good job. Time not wasted

by Anonymous 5 months ago