+8 8 hours of drinking is binge drinking, 8 hours of TV is binge watching, 8 hours of sleep is barely enough, amirite?

by leuschkesyble 5 months ago

A waste of time

by leuschkesyble 5 months ago

I can asure you that there are worse ways ofv wasting time.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Yeah, that's exactly what I meant

by Difficult_Bus9320 5 months ago

My daily fuel

by Specialist-Thing 5 months ago

Drinking for 8 hours is not binging. Drinking 8 hours worth of booze in 20 minutes is.

by Nmckenzie 5 months ago

No in england thats called pre drinks. Binge drinking is more the people that drink to excess every weekend then sober all week

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Binge drinking, by definition, is consuming a large amount of booze in a short amount of time. It doesn't matter when, or how often you do it.

by Nmckenzie 5 months ago

8 hours or sleep is plenty. How much sleep you need depends and less than 8h can be fine for some people.

by Idellablick 5 months ago

8 hours of binging is binge-binging

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Would be nice to have 8 hours of sleep… Hell, I'd be glad to have 6 hours uninterrupted sleep.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

THC in the morning is perfectly normal.

by mitchell10 5 months ago

Sometimes 8 hours of sleep makes you feel more tired after you wake up though, so it feels like you binged

by Anonymous 5 months ago

The most I have binge slept was around 15 hours. It becomes boring after that.

by Secret-Broccoli1591 5 months ago

Very true. I go to bed at 5-7 am and if I wake up before 3 I usually feel ill, or lethargic to start my day

by Anonymous 5 months ago

8 house of work is binge working

by Jschumm 5 months ago

8 hours of work is the bare minimum

by Anonymous 5 months ago

How is 8 not enough? Thats like twice the ammount i get

by Smart_Wrangler9237 5 months ago

You need some binge STUDYING.

by ActivityGuilty 5 months ago

8 hrs of drinking is alcholism.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

No alcoholism is really when you can't go the other 16 hours without alcohol.

by ythompson 5 months ago