+20 Humans are still dumb animals, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

It's hard to ignore it though

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I agree. Its hard though

by Anonymous 11 months ago

It's not tiring to recognize that most people are ass holes. It takes the same amount of energy to look at something, regardless of whether you see great or awful things.

by Schadenaudie 11 months ago

That's if you see or take it as negative. If you accept people are assholes, you can act pretty indifferent to it

by Necessary-Today 11 months ago

I think one can hold these opinions and still be happy, there's no need to constantly think about it to the point it gets tiring. OP could easily be just stating their opinion about this, and then move on to have a nice day.

by Ymante 11 months ago

IMO it's very arrogant to think most people are assholes, that implicitly means that you think you're morally superior to all the "assholes" you encounter.

by Delphiaschuster 11 months ago

If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole. Raylan Givens Justified

by Most_Ear 11 months ago

Nicely summed up!

by Delphiaschuster 11 months ago

Yeah that pretty much always describes these "all humans bad" people.

by Only-Meal 11 months ago

Or you can be one as well.

by Stephanconnelly 11 months ago

Why wouldn't you be including yourself as well if you had this view on people

by Ymante 11 months ago

Wow youre so enlightened

by Anonymous 11 months ago

The best summing up of the human race I ever heard was "most people are mentally and physically lazy". I think that covers a whole lot of ground. If we put to one side the extreme cases (the saints and the demons, the very best and the very worst, as it were) that leaves a large chunk of people who aren't necessarily good or necessarily bad, but are definitely lazy: jumping to conclusions without taking the time to think things through, swallowing propaganda from all sides because it's easier than forming a nuanced view, falling into confirmation bias and having no interest in overcoming it, and so on. Social media hasn't helped. Social media is basically manna from heaven for people who've been ignored all their life and now insist that their opinions are so important that they have to be broadcast to anyone who'll listen. And social media soon figured out that pitting people against each other is far more profitable than bringing them together, so the dumb, the ignorant, the prejudiced, are the ones who are heard. Your premise isn't wrong as such. We are pretty dumb. And one of the things that proves it is that we allow the wrong people to monopolise the public square. There are good, smart people out there, but you have to seek them out far more than you do the morons; the morons are everywhere.

by nonalindgren 11 months ago

This is a pretty ignorant opinion tho Also being dumb has nothing to do with having a good heart Also hate spreads hate and all I see is somebody who's full of hate complaining about others whilst being just as much of an asshole if not more

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Where does the dumb part come into your theory?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Out of 100 people, theres 1 or 2 with a genuinely good heart is such a projection. Every else is not an NPC you know. Being kind and not being dumb are NOT the same thing. If anything, they're quite the opposite mostly.

by mhamill 11 months ago

OP discovering how the world works

by Anonymous 11 months ago

That's not how the world works.

by ccarroll 11 months ago

Uhhh? The majority of people I meet tend to be good people. Either you just don't know anyone, or you suck as a human and therefor also surround yourself with people who suck as humans

by Accomplished_Let 11 months ago

You have a very negative outlook.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

The really negative outlook is to conclude that humanity can't (or doesn't need to) do any better. To conclude that our current status quo is okay, or even the best we can achieve, is pessimistic af.

by Hot-Maize 11 months ago

I didn't say humanity can't do better.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I mean looking at where the world is heading right now he isn't really wrong.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

It's gotta be exhausting to think so negative all the time.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I mean you are literally watching a compilation of bad things that happened in the whole world. When you put in perspective it's not that bad.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

That's because negativity usually happens in a far more headline-worthy manner. Positivity, on the other hand, is silent, consistent, and persistent.

by Impossible_Soft 11 months ago

Unfortunately yes

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Disagree. There is a minority of people who are completely devoid of empathy and selflessness. There is an even smaller minority of exceptionnaly altruistic people (those you call "genuinely good-hearted"). And there is the majority of us who stands somewhere between the two, and aspire to become better and overcome our "dumb animal nature", which is very, very hard.

by Amazing-Moment 11 months ago

Do you put yourself in the 1%/2% or with the others?

by Practical-Evening573 11 months ago

'If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.'

by Anonymous 11 months ago

What are people with degrees woefully ignorant of?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Imagine thinking you're so smart that you worked out everyone else is dumb. Lol

by Anonymous 11 months ago

That's a lot of opinions packed in one. If you think there's only 1/2 out of a 100 people with a good heart you're frankly setting yourself up for a life of loneliness. And it's just wrong too. Maybe you're looking for the bad in people and when you find something you dislike in a person, you dismiss the whole person entirely and label them "not good"?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

See how perspectives matter. Everywhere I look, I see compassionate people struggling with their own issues and making decisions that will ultimately hurt someone because they hope they will bring them to a position to make sense of this whole mess we're in. But I'm not hurt by most of them, so I leave them be or try to help. Yes, dumb animals but joyful, moody and a little bit crazy. I like them for being that way, while you despise them.

by Own_Concentrate 11 months ago

Not despise, but disappointed and disheartened.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Humans are dumb animals but not for the reasons you've laid out. Most people are actually good and trying their best even if they occasionally make poor choices. Get off the internet for a little bit and start having real interactions with people. Go volunteer with something you care about. You'll find there's a lot of good people out there.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Math (or statistic if you will) doesn't add up. Yes, there are people such as you described and there are a lot of those. But 98 or 99 out of 100??? No man, you are wrong. I don't know why you feel and think the way you do, maybe you had lot of negative experiences with people in short span of time? What ever it is you are exaggerating.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Maybe the OP is in a bad period of life right now. If only 2/100 people would be good the world would look A LOT worse than it looks now. It took me a while to realize that most people are essentially good, but human and the really bad people are a minority. It's easy to focus on the bad and overlook the good.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I agree. But that minority can really spice things up. Maybe OP run into few of those. I had periods in my life when assholes would 'run in series ' , one after the other. But I also had situations when others would help me and didn't ask anything in return.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Compared to what? Jesus? Than yeah, we are dumb animals when compared to Jesus. Otherwise we are the freaking GOAT

by TroubleMurky 11 months ago

If everyone you meet is an asshole, then you're the asshole.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

What if you live in NYC

by Anonymous 11 months ago

*dumb, panicky animals.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

People are assholes, op. I know in my heart not everyone but it just appears to be human nature.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Does it really matter? Just live your life and try to make it better if possible. That's all one needs to do. Even if we see these things and still can't do anything about it. It's same as not knowing about it...in fact not knowing about it might be better.

by One_Organization_909 11 months ago

Agree 100%. That's all one needs and many times able to do. If we take anecdotal examples: you go to get some coffee. Barista is passive-aggresive and over all kinda jerky. You have couple of options, like being rude to barista, silently get annoyed or get the coffee and say "hope your day gets better". First two options will result in everyone's day getting worse, third one has at least a chance to make it better

by Grouchy_Coconut9891 11 months ago

Or the 4th, just ignore it. If you let something that little affect your day that's a problem. Unless you saw this barista spit in your drink or something. A most people aren't just inherently rude, especially in a job that's customer service lol.

by tressalittel 11 months ago

ur just being a hater

by No-Key-9343 11 months ago

Lighten up Francis

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Time to get outta your head and get back in your booty

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Who hurt you?

by vandervortbeaul 11 months ago

We are still evolving, hopefully we will either get better or we might just get too dumb to care. Either way problem solved 👌

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I agree for the most part. I will argue that most, if not all, the assholes are nice too, at some point. It depends on what time in their life you meet them. Aint that a bitch.

by OkYam 11 months ago

There are a handful of people, maybe < 1%, who carry the entire population of mankind. The vast majority are just dead weight, creating a drag on progress and evolution. There are actually very few people making a real contribution to advancement. Most people exist to provide goods and services to other people that are providing goods and services so they can provide goods and services in a circular paradigm that goes nowhere.

by Minute_Influence 11 months ago

Is it morally wrong to live your life without making "a real contribution", as long as you actively try to not worsen everyone else's life ?

by Amazing-Moment 11 months ago

Depends on your definition of morals.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Thankfully, I got lucky and was born to my mother, whose family actually lives by their morals and are genuinely good people. They always fear hurting each other and help each other as much as they can. I worked very hard throughout my life, graduated from a good school and have a nice career (also lucky that I work remotely and not with people lol), but thankfully I haven't become a butthole because I refuse to associate myself with those kinds of people. People always tell me my talent has gone to waste because had I gotten involved more with people, I would have become way more successful, but I prefer living out my humble life and enjoying it the way I want to. I believe I wasn't born to please other people but to be the happiest I can be without the social attention. I like to think for myself and be my own person, which is what a lot of people miss out on these days because they're so hell bent about their reputation.

by Brain47 11 months ago

Welcome to the club

by Sad-Process 11 months ago

Lol truly an unpopular opinion, BTW yall prove my point

by Anonymous 11 months ago

you made multiple points some that are unpopular and some that aren't your main point are that humans are dumb animals, which is true. but then you talked about religion, pop culture, morality, and education. which none of these connect back to humans being "dumb animals".

by Katarinacrona 11 months ago

I'm sure it must be very difficult to be you.

by Weary-Beautiful 11 months ago

It's unpopular I will give you that but it's also dumb af.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

It's not too unpopular among edgy teens who think they have the world figured out. You've been hurt and now you think people are all terrible, it's normal to have that outlook, but you have to eventually walk the harder path and accept that most people are just trying to get through life in the best way they can and would rather not step on each other to do it

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Quite the misanthropic worldwide, but at the same time, there's a lot of truth in what you're saying. Most people are definitely pretty dumb.

by Positive_Marzipan_38 11 months ago

Yup and even when we have good intentions and try to do the right thing we cause harm and sometimes make things even worse. We take advantage of people we perceive as lesser or weaker to us. Pretty privilege, money privilege, height privilege, and etc. People are filled with unconscious bias and despite how far we come we still suck at everything

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Everyone, deep down, knows this is correct. "Out of the crooked timber of humanity no straight thing can ever be made." — Immanuel Kant

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I wholeheartedly agree!!!

by These_Lingonberry421 11 months ago

Most people I come across are ego driven assholes. "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Isn't that the plot to Easy Rider?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Sorry family. Hope you find a way to enjoy your existence.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Sure humans suck. So do remoras. I prefer being human ...

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Everyone is an asshole. You discover it when what you want clashes with what they want. From their perspective, you are the asshole.

by Honest-Hawk7718 11 months ago

What does good heart have to do with intelligence? We are literally the GOAT animal.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Factually untrue. That's mostly a factor of culture within large societies. Humans are reciprocal by nature, so they tend to project what they're receiving (or at the least, believe with they're receiving) If what you said was true, we would never have made it anywhere near this far

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I bet you are fun at parties.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I agree including myself - making mistakes all the time. I think a good chunk try to have a good heart, more than just 2%. But also all are very selfish. Sometimes people are selfish because of peer pressure, too. And nature suffers as a result. I hate those trendy plant shirts or wildlife shirts I mean most people in the west have way too many clothes already and then ppl get those shirts like, you would've "cared for our planet" by just.. not buying that in the 1st place Okay anyway, I think most people try.. you know, actually I think op u may be right, because we are horrible/horrendous to animals and nature and not too great with our own children either. I agree a lot about pop culture especially the older I get. I wished I never was raised with television. .. idk what the answer is, whatever happens happens

by Anonymous 11 months ago

"We judge ourselves by our intentions, but we judge others by their actions" - Idk. In other words, we are very aware of the context and particular circumstances of every choice we, ourselves, are forced to make. However, we define everyone else strictly by what we see of them, and nothing we don't.

by Full_Hair_4658 11 months ago

I don't think it's true that only 1 or 2% of people are good hearted. I'd say it's about 50/50 as a generous estimate, but could also be 40% are good. At least kind.

by ccarroll 11 months ago

There's a ton of people who think like you. How do you know you're not part of the group you're talking about?

by Anonymous 11 months ago