-2 Ugly women dont exist! amirite?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

To some degree for the most part it's objectif

by Own_Sherbert_1498 5 months ago

We have very similar beauty standards is most parts of the world.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Well there are beauty standards lol

by Own_Sherbert_1498 5 months ago

Yes, but they're not homogeneous in all cultures of the world and especially throughout history (being fatter was once seen as attractive for a woman while today it's not, for example, in many Western societies).

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Beauty standards that have change immensely depending on what country you're in and during what time. So much variance in beauty standards doesn't really speak to OBJECTIVE beauty existing, now does it?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Ugly people exist

by Own_Sherbert_1498 5 months ago

Just because your standards are abysmally low does not make her beautiful. Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but If she is ugly by most people's standards, then she is ugly.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

There are ugly women just like there are ugly men. It's as simple as that. Also, do you think there are ugly men?

by Hlesch 5 months ago

D: pHaTHopHoBic!!!

by MelodicHearing 5 months ago

Within limits

by Inesmuller 5 months ago

🤷‍♀️ yes, unpopular and untrue.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

All women ALL WOMEN are beautiful in their own way.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

No they're not

by Hlesch 5 months ago

Prove it.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I work security at a dispensary. Trust me, not all women are beautiful. No teeth, scabs all over their skin, and extremely thin hair that falls out in the wind. They are not beautiful.

by rbaumbach 5 months ago

You used drug addicts as your example? Bruh....

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You did ask for proof…

by Fun-Somewhere 5 months ago

Not everyone is or will ever be beautiful...and frankly not everyone needs to be.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

What about the old ones and the ones with leprosy and the ones who never wash

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Taste may differ but there are underlying factual axioms for what beauty is. Like facial symmetry. And even though individual taste may differ, there are clear societal trends. If you graph out how much of the population finds a certain type of person attractive, you'd be able to demonstrate a clear trend and can more or less draw a line at ugly. There is definitely such a thing as being ugly

by Hot-Cow 5 months ago

I whole heartedly agree with the exception of your momma

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Nearly everyone has something beautiful about them. Being confident can make that beauty less hidden.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Most women (and men) are average, it's usually the personality that makes some 'ugly.' I prefer the term 'unattractive' instead of ugly when it comes to below-average looks.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

What about men? Are men beautiful? They are? So everyone is beautiful, then? if everyone is beautiful, then "beautiful" doesn't exist, everyone is just "normal". Beautiful only exist because there's the ugly, if there's no ugly there's no beautiful. Or maybe, not every man is beautiful. Some may be, others may not. But then, why? Did nature decide that every woman is beautiful, but not every man? That doesn't make a lot of sense.

by Anonymous 5 months ago