+22 The difference between polyamory and cheating is telling the other person about it, amirite?

by Vada81 5 months ago

Plenty of people tell after they cheat, and it's still cheating. The difference is getting permission/consent to do it.

by Own-Professor 5 months ago

Negative, the difference is getting a high five

by Lynchnelle 5 months ago

Op learning about consent

by Advanced-Loquat 5 months ago

Huh, it's almost as if healthy communication with the people who are important to you is... Healthy.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Well yeah, it's kinda obvious innit

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You know, a lot of people would consider this to be quite obvious, but IT IS NOT. There are so many people out there claiming to be POLY, but in reality, they are just cheating. Or they simply have multiple partners, who might not know they have multiple partners. It gives a bad name to those who actually are legitimately POLY.

by Particular_Listen659 5 months ago

Thank you. What would we do without you?

by Pitiful-Royal 5 months ago

No, the difference is your partner specifically approving it. Just telling them about it is still cheating.

by Reasonable-Access 5 months ago