+28 Since OF became a thing, sex services became much more expensive. amirite?

by Unable_Flatworm 5 months ago

Did they? I still get sex for free.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Really? My wife has cost me a fortune

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Where are you from? Do you live in a country where sex work is outlawed?

by Fun-Bed-7262 5 months ago

The USA?

by Jaiden53 5 months ago

if you have to pay for someone to touch you, the price is on you

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Mickjof said so

by ParticularTax4255 5 months ago

Fair enough.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I have no idea, I haven't checked the prices of the local prostetude

by Admirable-Dream39 5 months ago