+11 Video games aren't art, they're a product for kids. amirite?

by Signal-Insurance 5 months ago

It's still art even if people don't appreciate the finer details. The Sistine Chapel ceiling isn't not art because you aren't a fan of painting.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

There are some videogames that are really complex and have a very tough international competition, definitly not for kids. Also others have amazing music, amazing animations, amazing cities, worlds etc and definitly are art.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

"Nowadays" lol

by hyattcallie 5 months ago

I don't need a story, I just want to build a dirt house and protect my villagers.

by tanner47 5 months ago

What game is that? Its sounds fun

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Minecraft lol

by tanner47 5 months ago

Haha that was me with Pietro 😂 hitting him with the net and sending him threatening letters so he would finally leave

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You build homes, I build slave huts. We are not the same.

by Square-Track 5 months ago

Don't get me started on my basement of mole people that paint and fund my lavish lifestyle.

by tanner47 5 months ago

Have you heard of Nightingale?

by Chemical-Intern7815 5 months ago

The people that have thee kinds of opinions are the people that don't consume the media they're talking about. There's no way to convince me that Baldurs Gate 3 isn't an incredible piece of art. Or any of the Soulsborne games. Video games is too wide and varied of a medium for you to just generalize it all like that. Also, who tf are you to decide what's art lmao

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You don't get to decide what is and isn't art.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Lol No.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I can already see the old codger that wrote this clinging to his colostomy bag.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

how about you actually play a game instead of basing your opinions off of fps's

by Maxime44 5 months ago

I agree. I don't play video games, I think I did play one once when I was a kid and I didn't really care about it. I'm almost 30, and when I hear about adults that play video games it's hard not to imagine someone that doesn't take care of themselves, lives with their parents, and is just an overall lazy slob.

by croninemery 5 months ago

This is what ignorance does to people

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Exactly, it is ignorance, because you're basing your entire opinion on your very limited experience

by Anonymous 5 months ago

It's not ignorance to base an opinion on an experience.

by croninemery 5 months ago

It very much is ignorance to generalize an entire group of people on a very very limited experience, yes

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Yes, I know I am going off of personal experience. Besides, you only have to ask an average person what they think of "gamers" anyways. You'll usually get the same responses. My SIL's ex was a gamer and broke down into a massive slob, refusing to get a job or clean the house, as an example of course.

by croninemery 5 months ago

Mhm, and now I dare you to consider how many gamers you've come across in your life that you didn't realize even liked videogames. How many slim, "normal looking" gamers do you think walk past you in the street every day?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Well where I live we don't have streets, we just drive everywhere, haha! But seriously most people I come across don't really care about video games. It's usually college football. When I see people wearing video game styled clothing, it's not too far off from the types I experienced in the past.

by croninemery 5 months ago

most people I come across don't really care about video games. Right cause you talk to everyone you see all the time right?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You know that personal experience does not include the whole world, right? You know that no one really gives a crap about all your lazy friends?

by Mobile-Ad 5 months ago

Yes, I'm aware my personal experience doesn't include the whole world. That's why I mentioned it was from my personal experience. I'm not sure who you're referring to about lazy friends? Most of my friends play sports, some of them rock climb, we're very physically active friend groups.

by croninemery 5 months ago

And then proceeded saying that everytime you imagine an adult that plays games, you imagine a lazy slob.

by Mobile-Ad 5 months ago

Also, said that you had "several years" of interaction, like it matters lol

by Mobile-Ad 5 months ago

Well it does matter. You can't say you have several years of experience with trucks and not understand how they work or what they even look like.

by croninemery 5 months ago

Are you comparing gamers to trucks? I'm not sure I'm following you lol

by Mobile-Ad 5 months ago

Ah, yes, and the fact that your "gamer coworker" fits you previous description doesn't matter either. Like, are you trying to prove that gamers are lazy based on the people you know? lol

by Mobile-Ad 5 months ago

I'm not trying to prove anything, just describing my personal experience.

by croninemery 5 months ago

You are very wrong imagining that.

by NeatAd2261 5 months ago

I have met a few self proclaimed "gamers" while I was in college. You could smell them a mile away, and they were very unkempt. They also made a lot of the women in our classes uncomfortable. I'm going off of my personal experience.

by croninemery 5 months ago

You think the gaming industry is raking in billions a year from "lazy slobs"? also, you're letting a very limited pool of people shape the standard for literally millions of people. Change a couple words around and that's racist as hell. Here I'll add to the pool of people this definitely doesn't apply to, engineer, married with 4 awesome kids, doing pretty well for ourselves. GAMER! Now you could say "well that's an exception" but based on your very very VERY limited experience with "gamers", one example of a non "slob" gamer should be able to sway your opinion by about 50%

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I don't see "gamers" as a race, so to even make that argument seems disingenuous. This isn't a limited experience I had, but several years. As well as someone in our office that is very similar to what I described.

by croninemery 5 months ago

I wouldn't know, because I don't care enough about video games to research their value or industry.

by croninemery 5 months ago

Hasty generalization and anecdotal evidence fallacies

by troy56 5 months ago

Several years of experience, actually.

by croninemery 5 months ago

Yes, but you're still making a terrible argument. Using a few bad examples of your own experience over several years does not change the fact that you are making a hasty generalization. There are estimates that upwards of 200 million people in the US alone are gamers. Using your same logic, I know several people who are best described as gamers. One of them is happily married, regularly exercises, has a masters in programming and runs his own business. He still plays video games at least 20+ hours a week. Therefore, all gamers live similarly. It's a terrible argument. Your experience may have soured you to this massive group of people, but painting them all with a brush determined only from your bad experiences is a hasty generalization, and thus a poor argument.

by troy56 5 months ago

Gotta be one of the dumbest takes I've heard on the matter.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I may not understand games, but I have seen the type that play them if that's what you were hoping to know.

by croninemery 5 months ago

Uh okay. So you think that your personal perspective of people who play games gives you a better understanding of games than... people who play games.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Yes, because I'm not part of that group. It's like being at a zoo and seeing the lions. You can see them from the outside and get a perspective that way.

by croninemery 5 months ago

Do you think you have a better idea than lions of what kind of raw meat tastes the best? Because that's the kind of thing this analogy entails.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

You've experienced for years that videogames are bad? How, you haven't played them.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

After reading the title I though "unpopular opinion indeed". After reading the text I though "nah this is just a bad opinion".

by legroscolby 5 months ago

kids don't eat up anything, there are entire marketing firms and studies on how to market to children. The documentary "Consuming Kids" is a nice introduction to this.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Bait used to be believable

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Movies aren't art, they're a product for people to.lazy to read. Pictures aren't art, they can be made by children and AI. See how stupid that sounds? Every medium has its ranges and extremes, they even have examples that blend them. Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse is a superhero movie aimed at mainly kids, but everyone who's watched it praises its art design and flow. Robert Munch made children's books that touched the hearts and influenced the minds of thousands. Elden Ring is a brutally difficult game, but tells its story through its detailed and beautiful environment. Don't be so simple minded.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

video games aren't art. They're a product for kids and simple-minded adults Art doesn't have to say or think a lot to be art. There are plenty of art pieces where you look at it and say "that's pretty" or "neat" and that's the entire experience. Which is ok, that doesn't mean it's not art, it's just not introspective art in that case.

by MessComprehensive 5 months ago

Say less brother.... I know them lobbies are ruthless.... Remember, KD isn't everything.

by Strong_Willingness 5 months ago

I prefer spiritual opium. It's a time sink you do to chill out. Not exactly productive unless you go into dev or entertainment. That being said, as an adult it wastes time you don't really have. It's effectively TV for young people

by Motor_Shock 5 months ago

As a person in the industry: Go suck a lemon.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Dude probably plays fortnite and cries about kida lmao

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Like most games aren't appropriate for kids This is just a dumb take. Don't let your five your old play GTA

by chesley79 5 months ago

…and "fine art" is a product for douches…what's your point?

by Acceptable_Yard2810 5 months ago

Not unpopular, just stupid.

by howealiza 5 months ago

Depends on the game. Fortnight and Roblox, very much geared towards kids. Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon can be enjoyed by anyone for any reason. Dark Souls is for masochists and very much not kids.

by Negative-Spinach 5 months ago


by Anonymous 5 months ago

Not an opinion, just factually incorrect.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Shut up. Just shut up. Anyone staying video games are just for kids is on a whole other level of Boomer mentality.

by Howellcristian 5 months ago