+21 Fetuses and embryos should have a Power of Attorney just like the elderly do. amirite?

by Vdoyle 5 months ago

They are people though.

by oortiz 5 months ago

That's not unpopular, at least not here

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Do you see any difference at all between a fetus or embryo and an adult? There are many differences. What do you think those are? Thinking about that might ease your mind somewhat. And yes this is exactly how I would respond to one of my kids if they said that.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Why can't we give this power over already born children who are, say, 1 month old?

by marty86 5 months ago

You would have to designate them as being a person first. You can't have power of attorney over a blob of cells. I personally don't believe you are living until you are born. You can even make arguments that you are not living until you can store memories and be aware of your existence.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

They are a person

by oortiz 5 months ago

Not necessarily. Here in South Africa we have what's cold a Nasciturus Fiction. A legal fiction is basically ‘ legal pretend' so while we don't consider a foetus a human yet, it can have certain human rights such as being able to inherit, or later in life a person can sue for damages caused to them while they were in the womb.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Now maybe you get why people opposed to abortion are also usually opposed to euthanasia

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I think you missed OP's point entirely.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I don't think so

by Anonymous 5 months ago

What do you think OPs point is?

by Anonymous 5 months ago