+14 Lettuce on a fast food burger is disgusting, amirite?

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Comparing any part of a fast food burger to a restaurant burger is unfair

by Stokesdevante 5 months ago

Fast food is still a restaurant

by Anonymous 5 months ago

That's like saying US prisons are still homes

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Except fast food RESTAURANTS are literally restaurants.

by Smithantonia 5 months ago

And people live in prisons.

by greenholtglenna 5 months ago


by Anonymous 5 months ago

And fast food is preferable to no food

by Anonymous 5 months ago

It's the only home America has anymore.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

The sauce doesn't soak in the same way and a good sauce tastes WAAAAAY better than gross sweet Lettuce juice

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I just hate lettuce on burgers in general. It's usually pretty wilted and doesn't add that crunch I always expect. Or they put too much and I can't taste the burger over the lettuce

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Honestly I get that try getting a single leaf of fresh iceberg Lettuce and it might be better

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Ooh okay I'll try that next time!

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Ok? How many burgers you think I eat? Most of the time the ones I eat are home made anyway which has much better vegetables anyway

by Anonymous 5 months ago

who eats burgers to be healthy

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Let us juice.

by Vandervortosbor 5 months ago

Iceberg lettuce in general sucks. It's a filler food and it's disgusting when it gets hot.

by noraledner 5 months ago

Its fine at room temp which it is when it isn't wrapped in the stupid ass wrapper

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Op you spitting rn l

by Cold_Sea 5 months ago

Not at Culver's. Most fast food burgers, though? Yeah, that's a given. But also not an unpopular opinion.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Then why don't most people just order it without the Lettuce then

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Maybe they do.

by labadiebertrand 5 months ago

Fast food burgers are disgusting in general

by Goldagusikowski 4 months ago

I will say this – it Hass to be the right kind of lettuce – for example – what a burger uses chopped up iceberg, not shredded, but chopped up in probably 1 inch to 2 inch squares – they stay crispy and have a very mellow taste – no I agree on getting one limp thing of leaf lettuce that just turns into a nasty, wet paper towel that doesn't want to come apart… Yes, that sucks… As does getting a mound of shredded coleslaw lettuce

by raeferry 4 months ago

a fast food burger is disgusting This part of the title was already correct by itself

by Anonymous 4 months ago

not if it's crisp lettuce, and eaten relatively soon

by cartwrightbrook 4 months ago

I love it on a mcchicken.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Agreed and fast food tomatoes are not tomatoes. They're a weird sandy textured red colored mush. Fast food tomatoes are absolutely nasty!

by Anonymous 4 months ago