+9 The resident evil games just aren't good besides revelations/4/7/8, amirite?

by vida60 5 months ago

I like and love some of the ones you mentioned but the reason alot of people like 2 and the older ones is the inventory management and the sense of discovery as you chip away at each area(2 has 3 areas).

by Mortonmraz 5 months ago


by vida60 5 months ago

AGAB - All G*mes Are Bad Congratulations op. You're on your way to attaining true enlightenment.

by Hauckhosea 5 months ago

When did I say that???

by vida60 5 months ago

You didn't, but rejecting one g*me is your start on the path to rejecting all. Ergo, enlightenment.

by Hauckhosea 5 months ago

basically you are looking for an action/shooter game

by ChemistryDry 5 months ago

Nah I'm looking for a survival game which is why I love 8 it has puzzles to but doesn't lose that survival element

by vida60 5 months ago