+23 I genuinely found the live action avatar the last airbender movie good, amirite?

by Sufficient-Dot 5 months ago

>It's maybe because i've never watched the original show Opinion invalidated.

by TraditionDense1860 5 months ago

Guess now i have to watch it

by Sufficient-Dot 5 months ago

Try to watch through the first season and see what you think.

by Some_Ebb 5 months ago

Can i watch it on netflix ?

by Sufficient-Dot 5 months ago

Yes, it should be with the other cartoon shows

by Some_Ebb 5 months ago

Almost as bad as the movie itself.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I haven't watched the original show either but I still know it was better than the movie

by Anonymous 5 months ago

My gf thinks the same

by Anonymous 5 months ago

What's an air bender?

by Abject_Branch 5 months ago

It's not good. But...you found it good. That's good.

by Anonymous 5 months ago