+30 Fanny bags is the most useful thing a guy can wear and it's not unattractive. amirite?

by Emelie48 5 months ago

As a Brit, "Fanny bags" is hilarious and evokes very different imagery.

by Right_Reserve 5 months ago

Always the first thing I think of anytime I see the word "fanny".

by UnableTelephone6167 5 months ago

I'm American and still don't know WTF a fanny bag is. I'm assuming it's a bag belted around the waist. And those can be useful.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

i think its pretty obvious to figure out what they're talking about

by Breitenbergpark 5 months ago

All I need is my phone, wallet, and keys and I don't need a full bag to carry all that.

by America58 5 months ago

Same but if I carried more I could see it being useful.A lot of the other things OP mentioned I have in my vehicle anyway.

by dickinsonstone 5 months ago

Same, I'm spoiled with my car basically being a mobile storage unit but I also try to not carry anything I don't need. If I need something to carry more stuff, I usually go with a backpack.

by America58 5 months ago

Yeah, used a backpack when I had a motircycle

by dickinsonstone 5 months ago

Before you leave anywhere, you check your PKW. Phone, keys, wallet.

by Few_Coffee 5 months ago

Spectacles , testicles , wallet and watch

by Constant-Source 5 months ago

Thus far in my life I have never left my testicles behind. But on your advice, I will check them before I leave the house, from now on.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I used one when I was homeless a lot. But now I'm usually going out to my car, if I need extra carrying space I have the console, cupholders, and a phone holder for that. However, I think the fanny pack can be useful and if someone wants to rock it, I'm all about it. Just as long as we don't bring back rollerblades.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

I don't really have anything against fanny packs, I just don't have a need for one. Agreed on the rollerblades, I'm clumsy enough without the help of wheels attached to shoes.

by America58 5 months ago


by Normal_Childhood 5 months ago

I'm US based so I wouldn't risk bringing my passport with me unless I'm traveling, would only increase the likelihood of me losing it.

by America58 5 months ago

but what if you're going on vacation to the west indies?

by Normal_Childhood 5 months ago

I would need it then for certain islands, otherwise the only west indies I'm making it to is West Indiana.

by America58 5 months ago

Shockingly there are back packs for such occasions as well

by Anonymous 5 months ago

Men need the ability to carry a small bag for convenience without being called gay or bullied for having a man purse.

by Anonymous 5 months ago

It's a satchel! Indiana Jones wears one!

by Due-Huckleberry-6312 4 months ago

Just name something cool and it's fine. We already have being decent (The Bro Code) and a hobby room (The Man Cave). A purse could be something like Gadget Bag or maybe Survival Satchel.

by Immediate-Produce-69 4 months ago

+1 for 'survival satchel'

by Blakehirthe 4 months ago

European Carryall

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It's a murse. Has been for a long time.

by AttorneyAdvanced2172 4 months ago


by Immediate-Produce-69 4 months ago

EDC Holster!

by Immediate-Produce-69 4 months ago

As someone who concealed carries a firearm, this is the way.

by dorothymoore 4 months ago

Haters gonna hate, worse comes to worst you can always hit em with your purse!

by Anonymous 4 months ago

A suit with a briefcase so you look like a lawyer. Classy

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Men also need the ability to not get their feelings hurt when somebody laughs at their purse. Instead of trying to get tens of millions of others to change their habits, men need to just worry about themselves, and not the opinions of strangers.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

There was an actual brand called Man Purse years ago. I used to buy them because they had better compartments than women's purses! Not sure if the brand still exists, though. I can't find it online. I see men with backpacks all the time or small messenger bags. Personally, I'm not a fan of the fanny packs for men or women!

by lehnerhillary 4 months ago

Personally I never got bullied by my friends for carry that. They kinda admire it and many millennials also asked me where to buy it. Whenever my friends need something they often look for me as I might have it in my bag.

by Emelie48 4 months ago

get a backpack

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Me with a backpack 😄

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It's rebranded as "belt bag" now to avoid the stigma.

by Imaginary-Cat-5030 4 months ago

In the 90s, there was a derogatory name for them, that I can't repeat here. A name rebranding sure could help!

by lehnerhillary 4 months ago

borrow it from us like you did with Kindergarten, Schmutz etc. Umschnalltasche or Bauchtasche. "Um" = drumherum / drum = around "Schnall" = Schnalle = buckle "Tasche" = pocket or bag "Bauch" = belly

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I can pronounce kindergarten, I can't pronounce either of those words lol

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I've heard lots of english speaking people pronounce "Schmutz" correctly. if you learn to pronounce "Schmutz" then you can pronounce "Umschnalltasche". "Bauchtasche" can be harder tho because of the "ch". can also give it your own twist like with the T in "Garten" you guys usually pronounce it with a D.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Ironically it's a lot of Yiddish words (a language closely related to German) that prove that Americans can absolutely pronounce German words. A good upstanding person is a Mensch which is identical to the German word for human. To schlep is schleppen. Just pretend the word is yiddish and you'll be close to speaking German.

by Yazmin71 4 months ago

yea "sch" is easy for most but "ch" is a different beast to master even for germans. my dialect (Saarländisch) doesn't or very rarely use "ch" and it makes me sound like an idiot if I try to pronounce it.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'm sure if I heard an example, I could learn! But I mean that most native speakers of English can naturally understand how to pronounce kindergarten (although we'd spell it "kindergarden" were it a word in English), and schmutz is definitely in many people's daily vernacular, but I would be much less confident guessing the other two words (mostly due to the last consonant)

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I use a sling bag. It's not quite a backpack, not technically a purse, and caries more than a fanny pack.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

This is not an unpopular opinion amongst teenagers in the UK

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Anyone who cares about what is dorky is either immature and/or has a huge ego.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I don't think it's that simple lol

by PuzzleheadedPaper 4 months ago

Nothing you said is specific to belt bags. All those reasons also apply to camera bags, crossbody bags, messenger bags, backpacks, and/or wash bags

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Backpacks would be quite big to carry everywhere. Other then that all the bags you mentioned would be a good choice if you like that. I mentioned fanny/belt bag as I am using it.

by Emelie48 4 months ago

They make mini backpacks that store more than a Fanny pack (can be useful) but aren't big and bulky. I love mine.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I don't disagree with it being useful. But you've offered no evidence of it not being unattractive? They are definitely unattractive, and unfashionable

by Maudie76 4 months ago

So if a man is fashionable, and cares about looking well groomed and well dressed, he's immature or has a big ego?

by Maudie76 4 months ago

You can't use logic with this guy. He probably thinks mullets are a clear sign of maturity.

by conroyscottie 4 months ago

I can see the utility but space doesn't seem to be an issue for men's clothing. I carry a phone, fountain pen, wallet, keys, flashlight, headphones, multitool, and full size pocket knife just in pockets. If you are going on a hike or are on a job site then I think tool belts or backpacks are better suited.

by Ok-Speaker 4 months ago

Everything OP listed fits in pockets. And they still make cargo pants if four pockets are insufficient.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

In Sweden people call them fagbag 🤣

by CalligrapherNo1865 4 months ago

I was thinking to move to sweden. Ig I would be the most hated guy there lmao.

by Emelie48 4 months ago

Dont move to the Balkans either then, its called the "pederusa" which is fagbag too Jokes aside, i have my own fannybag and they are great

by CalligrapherNo1865 4 months ago

I prefer a backpack.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Wear a backpack

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It's a utility belt! Bonus points if you pair it with a cape.

by zpagac 4 months ago

Mr Rogan? Is that you?

by Winstonyost 4 months ago

I'd wear a backpack before I wore a fanny pack.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

You want us men to be with our woman all the time? Fanny bags aren't the sign that you are single but if it is it would be quite useful to wear at parties so that women can know you are single and might approach you.

by Emelie48 4 months ago

Got dammit it's called a fanny pack not a fanny bag. Haha

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Ahhh thanks. I always read it as a bag lol. But ig ppl still understand what I am trying to say.

by Emelie48 4 months ago

My guess is that most men with Fanny packs are married and don't give a damn what others think.

by Greedy-Injury 4 months ago

True, that's a fair point. You don't have to go everywhere with your partner. I stand corrected on that point.

by Garretroob 4 months ago

The only people who I've ever seen wear Fanny bags are people with straps and women

by Anonymous 4 months ago

you may have convinced me to grab one at some point congrats

by Interesting-Ask-6604 4 months ago

I appreciate that. If you bought one plz hmu with the updates and feedback.

by Emelie48 4 months ago

My cousin wears one unapologetically, his friends too. All are married/have girlfriends. I still think it's a bit odd but more power to him.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I have no use for one. I carry 4 things with me. My wallet, my phone, my keys, and a knife. Sometimes, 5 things if I conceal carry. I don't need a bag for anything. I don't even know what I would carry in one. Not sure what can't just fit in my pockets that you are carrying. Lol so no I won't wear a fanny pack or any type of pack. It's not necessary. Everything you named can easily fit your your Jean pockets or sweat pant pockets or jacket pockets.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I used to be like you. I started using fanny bcoz once I was wearing a tight jeans and while pulling out my phone I dropped and brake the screen. Other time when I was sitting my phone was in my pocket and due to pressure my screen gets off colour. I started wearing that to protect my phone. And now as I have excessive space I just store other things as well.

by Emelie48 4 months ago

I'm not hating on you. Wear what works for you. I keep the same things in the same pockets and prefer it that way because I am used to it. If I needed to carry more stuff, then I would use some kind of bag, but normally, I just don't need it. When I was younger I had a bag with me because I didn't have a car but now anything extra that I may need just goes in my car

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Not trying to judge but if your pants are breaking your phone you probably need different pants

by Anonymous 4 months ago

My husband wears one.

by Frequent-Degree2883 4 months ago

Does it makes your husband less manly or unattractive?

by Emelie48 4 months ago

Makes it easier to find his wallet so we can more quickly go somewhere . Encouraging my 18 year old son to get one so his wallet doesn't fall out of his pocket somewhere. I don't think it makes my husband more or less attractive either way. He probably doesn't look at my purse and think it makes me look more or less attractive either.

by Frequent-Degree2883 4 months ago

My husband wanted to borrow my custom made LV fanny bag last week and I was 🥰

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I will wear them on vacation bc I typically carry more random things when I am not in my usual location. When I am in my home city just hanging out? I don't carry anything more than my phone, key fob, and wallet.

by ullrichglennie 4 months ago

It's called a techno bag

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I think shoes are the most useful thing a guy can wear

by Anonymous 4 months ago

They were popular until tourists started using them and then thugs started attacking tourists. Now they have a negative association

by elwyn17 4 months ago

I use mine to sneak candy and drinks into the local movie theater:)

by SeniorInvestment9959 4 months ago

Tee hee hee hee you said fanny bags

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I think purses are a lot more attractive than fanny packs.

by ihyatt 4 months ago

It is time to fashion a utility belt that holds that stuff.

by dorothymoore 4 months ago

You do you, ill keep rocking a small back pack, thanks

by Anonymous 4 months ago

yes! but as a brit living in america, i will never not cringe at the name 😅 (fanny is slang for vagina)

by Anonymous 4 months ago

*looks at business card Fannybags R' Us representative? Oh I see. Shillin' haaard for big Fanny Bag are we?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I carry a small bag everywhere! No one ever questions it! I keep my stuff in there because I can't have tight pants and phone/wallet/keys pulls them down. It's just a happy little sling bag! Functionally, it's a purse!

by Hickleotha 4 months ago

very useful yes and nobody should be shamed for it but i ind them just ugly

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I love fanny packs, you can have all your important things on you, have free hands and unlike cross body bags it does not annoy you with every step, does not fall if you bend down to pick something up and does not cut into your shoulder.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Seeing people wearing fanny packs is just....embarrassing. I have pockets on my pants. They carry everything you just talked about.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

You do you my friend! Rock on with your bad self!

by Normal_Childhood 4 months ago

I guess I can see the need in a hotter country. Where I live, however, my coat probably has more pocket capacity than a small bag. I also wear backpacks almost everywhere, and I've got 3 backpacks of varying sizes. I can't see a situation where I'd need something more than my pockets but less than my smallest backpack.

by No-Result2957 4 months ago

When I wrestled I carried one. Keys, passport, phone, wallet. It was great. I still occasionally use it because I also hate stuff in my pockets.

by Mweissnat 4 months ago

It's not unattractive it depends on how you style it is all

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Sounds too much like the bag equivalent of the (thankfully failed Eldridge) Cleaver pants.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

But backpacks are better 😎

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Want sunscreen? Got it! Condoms? Got it! Lube? Got it! Butt plug? This one's mine and I'm not sharing but GOT IT!

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I agree. My fave Jonny Bailey from bridgerton wears on e and he looks adorable

by Anonymous 4 months ago

TF is a fanny bag?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

The guy at the store said I'm the only guy he's ever seen pull it off.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I would argue the opposite. Broadcasting a singular location to where all your belongings are, secured by a singular strap or buckle make you an easier target for theft.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Crossbody bags serve the same purpose without making you wear a fanny pack

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Depends how you carry the fanny pack though.

by wisokylaura 4 months ago

If you agree with this, please wear a fanny bag at all times so that I know to avoid you at first sight

by alf28 4 months ago

Honestly all you need can fit on your person, I can walk out the door with my phone, wallet, keys, if I needed more I take a what some may call a "day pack" cause its what I need throughout the day instead of things I need if I'm out camping/spending a night. It really depends on what you're doing and need it for. Most of the reasons I see men have it is because they are dads out with there small child or infants in which case that makes since cause they are loaded with diapers and such.

by bcrist 4 months ago

Its not a fanny pack, its a "utility belt"

by allene98 4 months ago

Fanny bag? We always called it fanny pack

by FlakyCartographer 4 months ago

*Anyone Ftfy

by Neither_Progress 4 months ago

Go to a rave and you'll see it's a staple in male's rave attire!

by Anonymous 4 months ago

isn't it fanny pack? And now they're veering into being called slings

by amandawillms 4 months ago

I have literally never seen it called a fanny bag. It's pack. Fanny pack

by Waelchileif 4 months ago

I do not think it is the most useful thing a guy can wear. No one discounts the amount of things it can carry. The issue is how it looks. You're simply pointing out the functionality of something that for sure hampers the way a guy would look.

by gschultz 4 months ago