+24 Books suck compared to cinema, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Then why was the movie called "The Book of Eli" and not "The DvD of Eli"? Checkmate.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Holy rekt OP

by Jacobistefanie 11 months ago

I'm not even a bookworm but if you know how to be slightly creative and be able to use your imagination books wipe the floor with movies

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Depth versus breadth

by Anonymous 11 months ago

You picked a weird way to say I like less info in my stories.

by No-Conflict 11 months ago

Fine but the thing that's stupid is saying one is inherently better than the other. Also, audiobooks exist if you need that audio sense. The visual sense comes from your imagination paired with the descriptions in the words. Imagination isn't a dirty word and it sounds like you need to work on your imagining and displacement skills. Documentaries are like a summary of the literature/known facts. Technically you can get through a summary faster than you can a documentary if you read efficiently. You can also get a similar feel to documentary with structured/scripted podcasts. Many readers are also avid consumers of television and movies, time away from screens (also used for work for many people) is valued. Comics exist too if you want to read alongside visual storytelling but you don't want to watch a show or movie. Art styles can feel so personal, cinematography also can feel personal. You can absorb information and narratives in multiple manners and they all have strengths and weaknesses.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

A doc can only teach you more than a book if you lack an attention span and reading comprehension

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Never understood these arguments. Why pick and choose? I like all forms of art as each gives a unique perspective

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Agree and disagree. For me great narrative cinema is much better than equivalent books, but non-fiction books like Dispatches or anything on nature/adventure is always much more interesting to get stuck into than equivalent documentary style films.

by huelsedythe 11 months ago

Im not going to call you stupid for liking cinema more than books. However, I will say it's silly to take two separate mediums and make a competition out of it.

by Larkinmozelle 11 months ago