+11 We should seriously consider replacing Central Park with a parking lot, amirite?

by bernard34 4 months ago

awesome you successfully made an unpopular opinion - bravo you trouble is no one including yourself believes this

by Anonymous 4 months ago

What the hell are you talking about. People in NYC need parks more than they need cars. In a city where public transit is king, cars shouldn't be a priority. If you are stupid enough to drive in NYC, it's your issue. Take the bus, take the train. No one needs a car, unless you have merchandise to transport.

by Agreeable-Hornet 4 months ago

They are putting measures in place to reduce total traffic going into lower Manhattan.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

The title made me burst out laughing

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yes, the best way to alleviate traffic issues is to encourage more cars to come in.

by ShoddyAd 4 months ago

I think is should remain a park but if you were to change it into something, make it multifamily housing.

by Similar_Crew 4 months ago

Just tear down one of the buildings on each of the east and west side. Build parking garage instead. Imaginary problem solved.

by RightConflict2289 4 months ago

Add 204,000 parking spaces, and remove 843 acres of green space? Who needs oxygen anyway?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I think we should just remove cars from NYC altogether

by Phickle 4 months ago

and the people :P

by isadoresipes 4 months ago

Should limit NY City streets to public transportation and deliveries only. Just as smart of an idea, better for the environment, and safer for pedestrians.

by BulkyWolf7661 4 months ago

Unpopular opinions aren't supposed to just be psychotic rage bait

by Strict_Poetry 4 months ago

commons common

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Definitely an unpopular opinion, but also not an opinion anyone genuinely holds

by Anonymous 4 months ago

More mass transit, less cars, make commuters take mass transit.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I wouldn't use mass transit if it was free, no thanks I like my drive.

by Pristine-World 4 months ago

Your car isn't free.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

The rate homeless camps are taking over parks around here every park should be paved over and made into parking lots.

by Pristine-World 4 months ago

NYC has a problem with parking. Why not re-dedicate Central Park to parking to help the problem?

by Delmerjakubowsk 4 months ago

Adding parking creates the issue. If people know they won't find parking they're less likely to drive. It's called induced demand. Just like widening roads, all you do is make it more appealing for people to drive more until you're right back where you started but with another lane.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

An increasing population without adding parking means what? Adding to the public transit system and possibly without increasing public transportation revenue! How do cover the decrease in revenue?

by Delmerjakubowsk 4 months ago

Solid troll 7/10

by Anonymous 4 months ago

After this the city would be masivly flooded after every rain

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Or just make a parking building... those exist you know. Central park is needed, we can't just focus on work, we need time for pretty little leisures.

by bkuvalis 4 months ago

Central Parkā€¦ing?

by fredyswaniawski 4 months ago

Why not put parking under Central Park and just use an elevator?

by InitiativeJust4237 4 months ago

No, replace restaurants with parking lots

by Regular-Newspaper272 4 months ago

And you could still call it Central Park.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Recap: People can't find parking to go to the park. Solution, get rid of the park and make it parking. WTF?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Pave paradise, put up a parking lot.

by wmuller 4 months ago

Lol absolutely braindead take. Good job.

by Decent_Round_5734 4 months ago

You mean Central Cesspool in NYC. Yea pave it.

by Aggravating-Use-4030 4 months ago

"Induced Demand"

by Anonymous 4 months ago