+7 The word ‘bed' actually looks like a bed. amirite?

by Alexannevanderv 4 months ago

Mfs like you is the reason I love this app

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Coincidence? I think not!

by Wonderful_Grape_175 4 months ago

*Claps in approval

by Anonymous 4 months ago

damn that's crazy

by Impressive-Job 4 months ago

Omg there's so many that it has to load when you scroll

by Soft-Preference3695 4 months ago

I, too, passsd 2nd grade.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I swear I've seen this 50 other times

by Ernest27 4 months ago

Wow very original! I have NEVER ever seen this before in here!

by Ordinary-Arm 4 months ago

I noticed this when getting on a car ferry. A sign said "VESSEL LOADING", and the word "VESSEL" looks very much like the side view of a ferry.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Here's someone drowning: lol

by nrunolfsson 4 months ago

That explains why I have trouble sleeping with deb...

by nrunolfsson 4 months ago

Maybe beds from 50 years ago

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Why finally?

by Alexannevanderv 4 months ago