+9 4 day work weeks should be more normalized, amirite?

by Sufficient_Paint 4 months ago

I work four 10s and it's definitely better. It makes for longer days with less free time Mon-Thur but I really enjoy always having a 3 day weekend. I can take quick weekend trips without even taking a day off work.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

The weekend trips is why I love it as well. You have 52ish extra days off a year all things considered. I can't imagine going back to 5 8's.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Plus you have a full day each week to run errands or make doctor appointments you would otherwise have to use pto for

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Same. I'm sure I'll have to go back eventually but I'm enjoying it while I can!

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Idolizing the little scrap of free time we get from being forced to work our whole life.. depressing lol

by Anonymous 4 months ago

You are not being forced You can just work not or less. However, since with the kind of jobs you have (I assume), you add less value, therefore, get paid less Does not mean you are more unhappy. You can work 4 days with less money and still be more happy than a rich(er) person

by Anonymous 4 months ago

That's how all of human history has been…..even homesteaders work. They work the land, they work on their house, etc. you have to work to survive. Even animals work to survive. They have to work to find their next meal or build shelter.

by Legitimate_Money3906 4 months ago

Exactly. We are forced to work to survive. That's what I said. But now that you've pointed out my ancestors had to work I suddenly feel magically okay with never having any free time

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It sucks for the first 2 weeks until your body gets used to it, but after that, it's amazing. I love the 4-10 schedule.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It took me a while to get used to the 10 hour shifts but the 3 days off are to die for!!!

by New_Assumption 4 months ago

We've long since proven that the 5/40 is not great for humans. It'll take another labor rights movement to get it reduced. (The LRM is the reason we have the 5/40 in the first place.)

by kimnader 4 months ago

Guillotines. :)

by Vegetable-Staff 4 months ago


by Anonymous 4 months ago

It was actually Henry Ford that made the 5/40.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

And important to note that he cut the work week to 40 hours (5x 8 hour days) without a decrease in wages, something that is unlikely to happen today.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Humans used to work way more hours…. The human body is actually way more capable than people think. They just aren't used to it and have been told it's bad for humans to work

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Because it is bad, guy! Just because we're capable of working our hands to the bone doesn't mean we should. I honestly wonder how much work stress leads to the diseases people die from every day.

by Relative-Carry 4 months ago


by Anonymous 4 months ago

Pretty much all of human history? Most people couldn't just go to the grocery store or a clothing department. Most of the stuff people had and owned was either hand made or they traded one hand made thing for another.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I am not an anthropologist, nor an historian, however I think the consensus is that early humans "worked" 15 to 20 hours a week for survival. When we started farming, that went up to about 30 hours a week. Farming was instrumental in helping us have healthier, more varied diets, but it requires more labor over longer periods of time each day. It really wasn't until people started working other people's land that the work week became brutal. But for most of humanity history, the average work week seems to have been less than 30 hours.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

You're right, but just because the human body is capable of it doesn't mean its good for you physically or mentally lmao

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It's called conditioning. May suck for a little bit you're body will adapt over time. That's what the human body does.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

some people's minds aren't built for it tho, and its waaaaaaaaay harder to condition the mind to something than the body. physically I have no concerns about working eight hours or longer. mentally? heck no, my mind can't take being contained and pressured like that everyday. makes me wanna die

by skilback 4 months ago

More hours but less alienation

by Anonymous 4 months ago

According to who?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

This isn't unpopular. "9-5" is just a blanket term for a stable job that offer benefits

by Vast-Guarantee 4 months ago

I think they're literally talking about schedules, which would assume you already have a "stable job" with regular working hours. Their opinion is that working 4 days of 10 hour shifts is better than 5 days of 8 hour shifts.

by MembershipKindly1652 4 months ago


by Relative-Carry 4 months ago

4 day/32 hour work week. Yes yes yes. So many studies and not ONE NEGATIVE DRAWBACK!

by TopSatisfaction 4 months ago

The biggest drawback is losing 8 hours of pay. I think everyone would feel mentally healthier with that schedule, but it is unrealistic until we can legally guarantee people a livable wage for 32 hours of work.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

They're more talking about salaried positions here. Not every job is hourly

by Ywillms 4 months ago

I don't think there would be a movement towards this if people weren't getting that 40 hour amount. Not that there is a movement, but there should be. I work HVAC (air balancer) I know it would never fly in that industry.

by Relative-Carry 4 months ago

Pay would not change.

by TopSatisfaction 4 months ago

Why wouldn't the pay change?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

If it's a salaried position it would be the same

by Ywillms 4 months ago

Why would it?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Because you get paid by the hour. More hours = more pay. Can't believe I'm explaining kindergarten math here.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I can't believe you don't understand that the 32-hour workweek is meant to be for salaried positions where the pay isn't hourly. No one advocating for a 32-hour workweek is advocating for less pay.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Not everyone is paid hourly though

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Over half the population of the US is according to the BLS And I honestly believe that a significant percentage of salaried workers would get renegotiated for a lesser contract if their working hours were reduced.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I get paid exactly the same every month, doesn't matter if January or February, or how many weekends fall Into that month.

by edgardowatsica 4 months ago

Salaried position = same pay regardless of hours

by DueLack 4 months ago

Less hours…. Less pay…. Kinda basic math

by Anonymous 4 months ago

If productivity stays the same, so should the pay. But too many companies pay for time instead of results. Even so, corporate profits are higher than ever which means workers have already been getting shafted the whole time, 4x8 would just mean taking some of the generated value back instead of an ever increasing amount being siphoned by suits.

by johnny99 4 months ago

Uhh... making less money isn't an option

by Anonymous 4 months ago

The idea with the other 4 day work week plans is to have the pay still equal out. Essentially you'd get paid the same, but with fewer hours. Of course that's going to require some serious arm twisting before companies would want to get on board.

by Coltwill 4 months ago

Someone did read, but improved the concept with what's being talked about in Congress.

by TopSatisfaction 4 months ago

please God, yes. assuming the position could somehow pay as well as a 9/5, this is something I 100% support. I worked those hours the summer before I started college and it was the best freaking job of my life

by skilback 4 months ago

I work 5 12's, plus drive 45 min. To work

by marshall22 4 months ago

What about back from work?

by Super_Tough_1418 4 months ago

Probably just 5 minutes

by Anonymous 4 months ago

That's good

by Super_Tough_1418 4 months ago

You should be leaving at maximum 5pm with breaks if you work 10 hours. Or 2 hours are breaks?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I believe the options were: 6 - 5 7 - 6 8 - 7 Give me the 32 hour week or 40 hour work from home instead and we might be onto something. I don't care to wake up at 5 am every day, or staying late in some crusty office building

by Watsicaalene 4 months ago

I believe they mean you have to get there at 6am to leave at 5pm, or leave at 6pm to get there at 8am.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'm with you, 10 hour days is not something I want at all. I get off at 5 and can still play 9 holes of golf, go catch a baseball/soccer game, etc. 10 hour days means get up 2 hours earlier or work until 7. No thanks

by Legitimate_Guide2576 4 months ago

I work from home 1 day a week. It's fabulous! Makes a huge difference!

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Push for more. I work from home 4 and the amount of extra time is unreal.

by Entire_Worry5125 4 months ago

It's not really up to anyone other than the board at any sizable company unfortunately.

by Loose-Speaker7493 4 months ago

Off with their heads then.

by Entire_Worry5125 4 months ago

Does anyone even work 9-5 anymore? I'm 31, been working since I was 15. Every job I've ever had, seen, or applied to has been 8-5. Most expect you to be available outside of working hours as well.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

9-5 is just a generalized term. Would be more accurate for OP to say it as a 5 day work week.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Paid lunch hour is way less common than it used to be since corporations take every opportunity to normalize paying less for more work, probably a big reason 9-5 isn't real anymore.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

YES! The three day weekend I had two weeks ago was so relaxing. I feel like I can't relax for two days.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

We work 4 10's ( Monday- Thursday) and its absolutely great especially when Monday is holiday, its a 4 day cushy weekend. You're already at work and if you keep busy, an extra 2 hours per day is hardly noticeable. Its actually an exra 1.75 hours as we get the 15 min break.

by Jfarrell 4 months ago

That would be wonderful but how would that work in jobs that are necessary like doctors,emergency departments, people who do road work and etc. would they just employ more people to fill in the schedules and how would they go about distributing pay.

by Jerad87 4 months ago

That's exactly how they would do it. My job has a 10 hour day and night shift for Mon-Thur. Weekends are 3 12 hour day and night shifts. Shift differentials pay extra for weekends and night shifts.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

They already do most nurses work 12's hr shifts. Not sure about the docs as they normally have office hours and hospital hours depending on what they do.

by walter65 4 months ago

Yeah I'm pretty sure there's a limit of time taken to rest before or after performing a surgery like for example a surgeon can't be working hours before he/she does a surgery

by Jerad87 4 months ago

Lol so many doctors don't even work Fridays because they just don't feel like it

by MembershipKindly1652 4 months ago

It would be hard for Americans to have to wait longer for service

by Subject_Peace 4 months ago

Get a hobby bro. Enjoy life while it's happening instead of working away and hoping you'll be around and healthy enough to enjoy it later.

by Coltwill 4 months ago

Before my job, it was my hobby. My job is my hobby and i am just lucky enough to have a place of employment where i have freedom to do what i do. I have a wife, planning on buying a house and have a kid and once a week when the weather allows for it i play airsoft.

by Sea-Imagination8513 4 months ago

I just think people should be able to work as they please. We have laws here requiring 25 vacation days. But i have no way of spending that many. I already have weekends, all the regular holidays and often bring the family on business trips and usually put it over an extended weekend so we can have some fun. Past 2 years it suddenly was december and i had over 20 vacation days left that i had to use before 1st of January, but i had some neat projects going i did not want to let hang, so we found another solution. But it was kind of annoying. Sure a bit of paid vacation days are fine,but 25 + 5 extra is just too much. It is more than a month away from doing what i love.

by Sea-Imagination8513 4 months ago

Oh I agree. My company won't allow us to work past 5 hours without taking a 30 minute lunch break and I'd love to be able to save it for the last 30 minutes and leave early, but they won't allow it, mainly due to people in the past getting forced into not taking lunch on time by management. Hell I'd sign a waiver if they would let me. What is it you do if you don't mind me asking?

by Coltwill 4 months ago

That's kind of what I was thinking. That is something that will suck you in if it's your jam. I tried that route and it was not for me.

by Coltwill 4 months ago

Is it at least paid vacation? If it's paid, you're nuts to not want it.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Paid vacation. If i don't take it i get nothing, however the company then needs to pay what i should have been paid to the government. So it is in their best interest for me to take the days off. However we found a few loopholes last year so i ended up getting a payout instead of losing the days. Spend most of it on xmas presents for the wife.

by Sea-Imagination8513 4 months ago

Can't you just not take off though? Whether you take off from or go in (assuming it's PTO) don't you get the same amount regardless?

by AppointmentQuick 4 months ago

I could register the days as vacation days and still work, done that a few times. However if the tax office or government or whatever body keeps track, the company can get some serious fines.

by Sea-Imagination8513 4 months ago

I will take 4 days a week at 8 hours a day. I would get just as much done because I wouldn't be burnt out

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Unfortunately most companies are going to pay you by hour rather than productivity. I would love to be able to step down to a 32 hour week but there is no way I am getting paid the same I get for 40 on a 32 hour week.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Well yeah, I meant if you got paid the same. I probably should have made that clear.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I work 4/30 fully remote having done 6/50 in the office before and honestly it's been an absolute game changer to my life, obviously it won't work for some industries but for mine we all get to pick the day off we have each week within our teams so the clients all still get a 5 day service and it works

by Spare-Slide-3327 4 months ago

I work a 9 day fortnight, and its the greatest thing ever. A 4 day week would be even better

by Lonely_Quality623 4 months ago

Not unpopular. Next!

by Luemcdermott 4 months ago

4 days of 8-hour shifts is ideal for maximum productivity

by OddRevolution5668 4 months ago

For office workers

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I would kill for a 3 day weekend every weekend

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yeah, they should be the norm. Hell, 3 12s should be a more common schedule too. Meanwhile at my job, we just lost our 4 10s schedule starting the 18th of next month. Back to 5 8s for no reason.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I don't think this is am unpopular opinion, but if it is it definitely shouldn't be.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'm a teacher in a four-day week public school. It is amazing. I actually can come back from a weekend and feel refreshed and accomplished in my personal chores and housework. I also have more patience for my students and motivation to grade assignments and lesson plan.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

For a few months, a company I used to work for experimented with having some of us work for 10 hour days (Friday was the day off). I loved it! A couple of extra hours a day wasn't bad but having three days in a row off was fantastic.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

No, thank you. I tried working 4 ten hour shifts before and I slept a lot on the 5th day because I was so exhausted and then had a normal weekend. I just didn't get anything out of it

by Xcummerata 4 months ago

Who's this unpopular with? Elon Musk?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

4 day week is problematic for road construction.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I agree but they usually do that so they can have mandatory overtime on Fridays. usually I the summer when you want your extra free time.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yep I'm good with this especially for people with long commutes.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I moved to a four day work week and it made a huge change to my mental health

by One-Refrigerator 4 months ago

4 days, full remote

by Anonymous 4 months ago

This isn't even unpopular

by Anonymous 4 months ago

10 hours a day sounds like hell. I already get tired by the 5th hour

by Former-Matter 4 months ago

That's a popular opinion. But a true one.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

In my 20 years of working life ive only ever had 4 day 40 hour work weeks

by Alycia46 4 months ago

my husband works sun-wed 10 hours days. it's definitely so much better bc i get to have 3 days with him and he gets to spend time with our kids

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I work a 4/10 schedule and I'm obsessed with it. I don't think I could ever go back to only having 2 days off again.

by New_Assumption 4 months ago

I'll take 5 8's, I did 4 10's for 3 years and wasn't a fan.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

i work 4 9's (8-5) and it's incredible i never wanna work another friday again

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'm 100% fine with people taking days off, working 3 or 4 day weeks, taking mental health days, etc... do what you have to do. Just don't piss & moan about equality & fairness when I pass you by, that's all.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I work 3 12's and a 6. It's crazy awesome because the 6 is almost like a day off in itself.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It takes a special kind of person to stay motivated and productive for 8 hours, 10? I don't think so. We do 4 10's pretty frequently in my line of work. Those last two hours are a bear. 3 day weekends sure are nice though. I'm of the opinion the country should go to 4 day work weeks at 8 hours a day on a trial basis for let's say 2 years?? Let companies compare the production to the years past. I would bet there was very little to no slip off and quite possibly more work getting done.

by Relative-Carry 4 months ago

I worked a 4 10s schedule before and it was definitely nicer having Fridays off, I was always exhausted on that Friday though. A 4 day 32 hour week is definitely the best option

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Honestly 6 hours 4 days a week is when people are most productive

by UsefulAd 4 months ago

Would this include school weeks being 4 days also?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Less than 40 hour weeks should be demanded. Productivity has doubled since 1980, we should be working half as much.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I strongly prefer 5 8s. There is no time to go to the gym, cook, clean, and relax a little when you work 10 hours a day. The longer weekend isn't worth it to me haha

by whickle 4 months ago

who wants that 9-5 job? who said that?

by Kooky_Elderberry 4 months ago

No one wants to work a 9-5 5 days a week however I would be completely fine doing 4 10s that extra day of free time is huge and also less gas used going to and from work weekly.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Hell I work at a hospital and do 3 12s.

by Anonymous 4 months ago