+13 Life was easier then because our frequency was different, amirite?

by Helpful_Summer 4 months ago

you lost me at people being more self aware now. go grocery shopping - people lack self awareness more now, than ever. completely oblivious to how their actions are affecting others.

by AdVirtual 4 months ago

Normalize not waiting to explain what you mean until half way through or towards the end of the text and actually putting a title that makes sense

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Ok but to me this frequency literally means the frequency atoms vibe...

by Anonymous 4 months ago

"Then" When? I had to read until the end to figure that out. And frequency can mean what you said but it can also mean doing something or something happening a certain number of times, which is actually the most common use for the word.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

sorry OP, im gonna have to hard disagree with you- no matter which way you wanna describe it wont change the fact that we are nowhere close to any equilibrium of any level. And never have been. Bc humans are inarguably self-centered. We were created that way to a fault. Even the most self-proclaimed altruistic person still differentiates and segregates themself from the pack somewhere else behind the scenes. We all do. We differ from each other just as literally as no 2 snowflakes are the same nor are there 2 grains of sand of the sea/beach the same. We all have something that causes us to divide and seclude. We are not creatures of unity. We are not creatures of equality. We can be creatures that are very easily controlled yes but no we are not creatures that actively seek out unity and brotherhood or sisterhood. Nor consolidation. We only look out for ourselves and/or our own. Nothing more/maybe less. To say that we are "awakening" or "beginning to see" or whatever such nonsense is purely fiction of the most wishful thinking caliber. Only happens in movies tv shows and video games. Boggles my mind to see people believe that we could ever come together under any banner for any reason. Because we just dont.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Sounds pretty true. Still feels like people changed after the pandemic, but yeah, we are still self-centred.

by Helpful_Summer 4 months ago

You lost me at life being easier then.

by zbode 4 months ago

If you're running low healing crystals and chakra juice, DM me, I got a guy that can hook you up for a good price

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Is chakra juice a euphemism? Sounds kinky.

by Anonymous 4 months ago