+15 Public beaches usually aren't enjoyable, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Like a public pool? They're all the things you said about public beaches but even worse.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Eh the sand is a big one for me

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I agree. I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

And it's dirty

by Iskiles 4 months ago

This is not the time or place I expected an Anakin quote but I'm all for it. Excellent job sir.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Idk what the beaches are like that you've been to, but I live near the ocean, and it's not at all difficult to find a stretch of beach that isn't crowded, even on the typically busy days. I love the beach. It's peaceful, weather is usually really nice, and it's free.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

There's a reason why private property is much better than public property and that is pride of ownership Private Housing > Public Housing Private Transportation > Public Transportation Private Education > Public Education etc .... etc ....

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Very privileged take

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Stating the truth like I did is not a privilege, its an obligation

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Lmao, this is the dumbest take I've seen all day. It is a very privileged and out of touch take. Grow up.

by Candid-Substance-299 4 months ago

You care to tell us why public housing is better than owning your own home? Taking the bus with meth heads and an occasionally mentally deranged person going off the rails, changing busses, waiting for busses that never come, etc is better than driving? Public schools are better than private?! HA. Talk to public school teachers. Everything mentioned is true. That doesn't mean that we all only do the privileged thing. Many of us do what works, even though we know there's something better.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Extremely American take lmao

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Just the truth ... ask those who escaped communism where there was no private ownership

by Anonymous 4 months ago

So public education = communism? Lmao

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Its not private [ free market ] so you tell me

by Anonymous 4 months ago

people really seem to forget this!!

by Ill-Set2330 4 months ago

Many, many beaches have barely anyone on them even in the middle of summer. And have you never been to a beach with trees?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yuck. Public beaches are like a cross between the welfare office and a movie theater concession stand.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

People say they don't agree, but then they'll spend $50,000 putting a pool in

by Anonymous 4 months ago

In their backyards? That's way different from public pools or public beaches.

by spencer48 4 months ago

It's literally your own pool, with nobody around to piss you off, steal your stuff, pee in the pool, etc etc. all your snacks are right inside, including your own clean bathroom. Need I go on?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It's horrible for me honestly I once found an empty/hidden spot at a beach in Fl let me tell you it felt so peaceful I could finally enjoy my vacation

by Anonymous 4 months ago