+12 If anyone cared about your sexuality, Elton John wouldn't be famous, amirite?

by Gdeckow 4 months ago

elton john only came out as gay in 1992. he was a superstar by that time. before that he was out as bisexual and married to a woman. also, most artists who happen to bring billions in sales into the country's budget and are so popular that the country can brag about them are knighted.

by Far-Awareness 4 months ago

I am sorry, I did not know this Thank you for informing me.

by Gdeckow 4 months ago

You do realize there were parts of the USA where he would have been arrested for being out, like 30 years ago. Not that long ago a kid was beaten to death in a little hick town like mine for being gay. People care.

by greenrickie 4 months ago

30 years ago, that's crazy, I wasnt even alive

by Gdeckow 4 months ago

There are literally sections of the world NOW where being gay is illegal

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yes. And I'm not arguing against that. I'm in the US, my example of Elton John is the UK Most (if not all) first world countries don't have a problem with homosexuality. Why would they?

by Gdeckow 4 months ago

There are still plenty of people that have issues with gay people (or trans, or bi, etc). Even if there aren't laws against them there's still discrimination.

by Labadiedaija 4 months ago

They are already gearing up and announcing they are coming after gay marriage.

by Low-Walrus8369 4 months ago

OMG that's horrible. I can't believe this. Share the source with me so I can read up on it

by Full_League5858 4 months ago

I'm sorry, I am de-tached from the fight then. I'm glad you are there for your daughter.

by Gdeckow 4 months ago

There was an assistant principal in Kansas who harassed a middle school lesbian in 2019 (I believe). Now he works for a company as head of HR.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Where I live like 10 years ago the cops would give you a good smack in the nutz if you were out and got you in the town. Cell phone cameras have changed somethings, but not their attitude.

by greenrickie 4 months ago

Where I live in 1998 cops busted into a private home and arrested the gay men there for having sex.

by Gislasonwestley 4 months ago

Yep. Or they would threaten to charge girls who were friends with gay men with prostitution, which would be published in the paper. People were awful about it.

by greenrickie 4 months ago

That is actually awful, I hope you got to a better partof the US And if not, godspeed brother, wishing all the best

by Gdeckow 4 months ago

So you are ignorant of the situation. And, 30 years ago, a lot of people did not realize he was gay. Yeah. For real. Especially in the 70s and 80s.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yeah that was pretty obvious

by Sure_Experience 4 months ago

What's the story you're referring to?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Ryan White murder.

by greenrickie 4 months ago

Unless you mean a different Ryan White. Ryan White was the kid in the 80s who contracted AIDS through a blood transfusion and was the watershed case that woke up the public to the fact that HIV and AIDS wasn't just a gay disease.

by Mkling 4 months ago

You are 100% right it was Mather Shepard murder Brain fart!

by greenrickie 4 months ago


by Anonymous 4 months ago

Whose personality revolves around their sexuality? And you can not count people fighting for rights. They wouldn't mention their sexuality if they were actually equal.

by Low-Walrus8369 4 months ago

I messed up it was Mathew Shepard murder. Ryan White was an Aids victim from blood transfusion.

by greenrickie 4 months ago

Oh that was in Wyoming. I was just reading on that.. very sad the way he went out. 1998 I think?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yep in 1998. Totally uncalled for over something that literally hurts no one. Who cares who you do the mattress mombo with.

by greenrickie 4 months ago

Elton John isn't famous for his personality…it's his talent. He was/is talented enough that he broke through societies barriers against gay people. Him being famous has nothing do with personality

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Elton John's whole character is his personality, if he wasn't Sir Elton John, builtoff his flamboyish and outgoing mannerism, you think he'd be as famous? He has a beautiful voice but if he didn't go crazy on costumes, he'd be the same as every other guy with a beautiful voice: ignored

by Gdeckow 4 months ago

Elton John was famous before he adopted the persona.

by Gislasonwestley 4 months ago

Well to be fare England is a little more liberal about such things than the USA was, with the exception of Liberachi openly gay artists were punted in the US until recently.

by greenrickie 4 months ago

I don't think Liberace ever came out of the closet officially.

by Gislasonwestley 4 months ago

I am not sure if he did or didn't, but he was the American version of Elton John with his flamboyance and such, and he was hella talented also.

by greenrickie 4 months ago

I just looked him up, and he sued and won several times over the accusation that he was gay, then lost a suit from his lover, and then died of AIDS. It's funny how America was so anti-gay and had obvious gay icons all over the place from Paul Lynde to the Village People but pretended they didn't know.

by Gislasonwestley 4 months ago

Extremely rich and famous gay man got knighted by the Queen. Extremely rich and famous people often get special treatment. That doesn't mean homophobia doesn't exist.

by Bernicebrakus 4 months ago

Perhaps in a future opinion you could identify who you are addressing.

by Gislasonwestley 4 months ago

"Your sexuality isn't holding you back, your personality is" Pretty sure I adressed who I was talking about, (if you still can't figure out) gay men that make their whole personality who or how many men they've slept with instead of who they are as a person

by Gdeckow 4 months ago

My friend went down on Fred Schneider at a backstage party

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Like, young Fred Schneider or no? Cuz I'm either proud of him or not

by Gdeckow 4 months ago

Unless you provide proof, I refuse to believe that.

by SmoothEnd 4 months ago

This is a pretty unpopular opinion by the looks of it. Well done! You hit the mark.

by Educational-Nail5369 4 months ago

'hate crimes cant exist cuz one gay guy is successful" fr fr god tier take homie

by Anonymous 4 months ago

So because Elton John is a successful musician, homophobia doesn't exist? This is seriously your take?

by Faheylucile 4 months ago

You're about to get cooked my guy. Godspeed.

by Full_League5858 4 months ago