+28 « What do you bring to the table? » is a legit question, amirite?

by WritingMore4831 4 months ago

If it's a question you ask directly instead of learning naturally then it's a red flag.

by adrianacorkery 4 months ago

Yup, this isn't a job interview

by EconomicsExternal449 4 months ago

Yeah, it's a kind of behaviour that is tied to some off putting types of personalities

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Hmmm...gabagool, briccola and a nice manicot pie.

by Standard-Credit 4 months ago

Now we're talking !!!

by WritingMore4831 4 months ago

Because this mindset shows a self-centered look on relationships. That you don't care about a person him/herself, but just what they can give you. When you actually become mature enough for a long-term relationship, your mindset goes from "me" and "take", to "us" and "give". If you need to ask this question, stay single.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

people who are offended by it generally bring nothing to the table. once in a relatively you should give 100% but there's nothing wrong with figuring out what thier 100% will look like before committing i would say the average two x user is not relationship material

by Anonymous 4 months ago

How is the average two x user not relationship material??

by Anonymous 4 months ago

The couple times I've visited 2x there was nothing but bitching and complaining about literally everything. It's like the female redpill, no thank you.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Can I suggest….'PinkPill'? I'm sure they'd love that!

by Low-Initiative-5809 4 months ago

I have literally heard that before lol. That is definitely already a thing.

by tate09 4 months ago

Just look at the unrealistic expectations they put on men.

by Anonymous 4 months ago


by Anonymous 4 months ago


by Anonymous 4 months ago

Never min, I know and understand why women tend to have unrealistic high standards to a certain extent. And also what those unrealistic standards tend to be.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

In your example Patrick brings absolutely nothing to the table though so what gives him the right to ask that question to someone else?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Wouldn't you like to know that from the outset instead of wasting your time only to find out he has nothing to offer? Maybe by asking what he brings to the table?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

In the example Patrick wasn't asking the question. He was showing you what bringing nothing to the table looks like and is likely not attractive to you.

by chansen 4 months ago

People who are uncomfortable asking what they're going to bring to the relationship are showing their own red flags. Relationships are transactional as well as romance. I'm not going to open my life to someone who isn't going to be a partner and just wants to add burden in the name of a relationship. I also really really REALLY like being single. So I feel it's alright to ask what someone is going to add to change that.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Because what right do you have to ask her to try and justify her worth to you? If you don't know what she brings to the table just by getting to know her then you're an idiot.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

What you fail to mention is that Patrick is jobless because he sold his multi billion dollar company. He lives in a basement because he unfortunately has a sun allergy (way to discriminate my guy) and he smokes weed because it helps alleviate the pain endured from going out helping the less fortunate, which unfortunately requires going out in the aforementioned sun. Others do the housework because he pays for a maid (lucky him I guess) Be more like Patrick.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yeah it's a great guy. All you said is true but i didn't write it cause he was a bit embarrassed. Too humble.

by WritingMore4831 4 months ago

Patrick sounds crazy chill.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yeah, he's a great cousin

by WritingMore4831 4 months ago

I always set the plates and cups.

by sandrine33 4 months ago

Your main problem was being on twoxchromosomes lol. What were you expecting? Rational people?

by tate09 4 months ago

The reason it is criticized over there is that it is usually asked by misogynists who still think that most women don't work (over 70% of women work full time).

by Anonymous 4 months ago