+7 Men and women dont owe each other empathy, amirite?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I'm not sure what you mean by owe each other empathy. It's true, you can't fully understand what it's like to be another person, but you can still empathize if you genuinley care.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Same way how women can't empathize with a man about being emotional. First thing women say is, choose better women but men are intuitive and can sense even when the better woman is lying when she claims to empathize with them when they dont. ​ What?

by Zcartwright 10 months ago

Yeah. This seems like a one off that this person experienced. Doesn't seem common at all.

by Sensitive-Target-457 10 months ago

I don't want to jump to conclusion, but it feels like OP is giving off incel vibes.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

OP is giving off "has been confined to a cellar and never spoken to another human being" vibes

by einar12 10 months ago

Empathy is what helps humans bond as a social species, people may not always owe each other empathy but they sure do need it.

by Wizashaina 10 months ago

This is why everyone's so miserable. No one owes anyone anything, but life is actually a lot better when you get the chip off your shoulder, and just be kind.

by FriendlyAd1116 10 months ago

Why do you guys keep pushing this narrative that women don't like men who show emotion?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

It's something incels use to cope for not being able to get in a relationship, although there are some women out there who have very cheap ideas of masculinity such as this

by stone20 10 months ago

What really pisses me off is, THOSE ARE THE WOMEN THEY WANT. They always talk about wanting a "trad wife" but do nothing but complain about trad gender roles.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

So that thing specially for understanding people and circumstances that aren't you're own, empathy, is not for the opposite gender? Interesting take. Not sure what who it benefits.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I'm not smart but all those examples seem east to empathize with

by Able_Clothes_3804 10 months ago

Hey op, look up a definition of empathy. I feel like you should start there because you have the wrong definition of this key word in your text.

by Zbernhard 10 months ago

No one owes anyone anything. I'm part of the purple pill debate and there are some crazy opinions out there but hearing how some people actually view the world is important. Why? Because if you choose ignorance you're only harming yourself.

by Any-Barber 10 months ago

Women don't owe "men" 💩.

by Tricky-Television 10 months ago

I said what I said.

by Tricky-Television 10 months ago

And you didn't answer my question: Why did you say that instead of people don't owe people anything? Why are "men" in quotes but women aren't?

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I got nothing to be ashamed of. Men are in quotes 'cause I consider them nothing more than a puny creature. I'm not avoidant, I just don't owe you an explanation and it's my own good will if I'm gonna do it or not.

by Tricky-Television 10 months ago

So you're just being an AH then!

by Anonymous 10 months ago

Okay, if I'm the AH to you - so be it.

by Tricky-Television 10 months ago

I do not owe anyone empathy.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

OMG can you all take a day off from the incessant online gender wars

by Ctorphy 10 months ago

People are just going to attack you endlessly but here's the thing they should understand Sometimes when the other gender tries to act virtuous, or even tries to genuinely empathize, it ends up hurting much more than if it had just been I have my experiences and opinions and you have yours. It hurts to be insisted to that there's no penalty for a man expressing his emotions openly when we know from the combined experience of all the men we have contacted there very often is. I'm sure it hurts something fierce when you're talking about being objectified and guys are like - it would be nice to be wanted sexually tho and btw you solicit it bc of how you dress. It hurts a lot when a girl you trust comes to you with the "revelation" that men can be victims of domestic violence without doing anything to provoke it Sometimes having empathy means having some humility to accept your limitations in seeing the other person's point of view and just listening, rather than focusing on your emotional connection to that person or trying to find common ground that might not be there and I wish more people understood that

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I was totally with you until you said it hurt because you wanted to be wanted as a response to women feeling objectified due to clothing choices. For the rest, yes you should be able as a man to express emotions and be heard. Yes, violence does happen to men by women and it should be recognized.

by Anonymous 10 months ago

I'm saying that's something some men might say , which is very offensive and hurtful for women to hear when they are venting. Am I wrong about that?

by Anonymous 10 months ago