+1 Fertility treatments are unethical, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

This isn't even an opinion, it's about 3 nested pieces of personal baggage in a trench coat.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

The facts are genuine opinions. Sure, and the elephants are genuine clouds.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Therapy might help, is that allowed?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I appreciate the suggestion. I have been going to therapy on and off for years.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Enhancing someone's quality of life is ethical For someone who wants children and can't have them naturally, fertility treatments are enhancing their quality of life.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Do you think someone getting pregnant with seven fetuses as a result of artificially conceiving is natural or morally okay, with 5 of the 7 of them being unable to live?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I think that getting pregnant with seven fetuses isn't something that happens intentionally, or frequently. And I think that setting up ludicrously unrealistic strawmen isn't arguing in good faith.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

The unrealistic strawmen in question is what literally happened to my mom when she conceived me with fertility treatments. It has to be more common with artificial fertility treatments. There will inevitably be higher chances of things going wrong when you gamble with treating a bodily function that's not working properly.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I think it's none of your business. You go ahead and live with your opinion as it affects your own life. As far as us other folks are concetned, we don't care.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Your line of thinking is far too narrow and self centered to realize that anyone born anywhere to anyone even naturally can deal with multiple types of complex problems that they didn't ask for. ETA: So, also by your line of thinking contacts, braces, hearing aids are all totally unethical.

by Natalie09 11 months ago

That is a completely different situation and you know it. Disability aids and braces are a completely different story than trying to defy science. There is full consent to getting braces, contacts and other disability aids, but not choosing to be born and being stuck with things you didn't ask for is NOT consensual.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Technically, fixing someone's sight and restoring their ability to hear is also defying science ... Address my other argument ... Your line of thinking is far too narrow and self centered to realize that anyone born anywhere to anyone even naturally can deal with multiple types of complex problems that they didn't ask for.

by Natalie09 11 months ago

How…is it at all different. I naturally have bad eyesight, allergies, eczema, asthma, crooked teeth, I could go on. But its perfectly fine for me to get medicine and procedures done to fix that. Some people develop cancer randomly, or have psychological disorders, do we not treat that? How are fertility treatments any different? Where are we drawing the line?

by Kitchen_Hunter_2110 11 months ago

children conceived 100% naturally can also be born with a plethora of health issues, as I assume you know, so by that logic, giving birth in general is unethical??

by eudoraupton 11 months ago

not choosing to be born and being stuck with things you didn't ask for is NOT consensual. An actual quote from you. There is literally nothing consenting about being born and being born with a disability. It happens no matter if it's natural conception or not.

by elza89 11 months ago

There's a difference between conceiving naturally and happening to get unlucky and forcing an infertile person to conceive when nature says no.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

not choosing to be born and being stuck with things you didn't ask for is NOT consensual. No one chooses to be born. Fertility treatments have nothing to do with it.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I actually think OP may be genuine. It's just that their opinion is very outlandish and underpinned by a grudge against their parents.

by Fit_Conversation 11 months ago

I totally get where you're coming from, and I 100% agree with the fact that I am holding a grudge against my parents, but going through the experience personally and dealing with the consequences of someone else's decision makes you think completely differently.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Well, that's what I'm saying. It'd be difficult for most people to relate to your point of view because they don't share your very specific life experiences. But, by the same token, it comes across as an unprincipled view. That is, you don't start from a set of ethical principles and then conclude that fertility treatments are unethical based on those principles. Rather, it appears you start from the fact that in your case the outcome was bad, therefore it's all bad.

by Fit_Conversation 11 months ago

Yeah right, same as the people saying vegetables should be illegal

by Phyllisboyle 11 months ago

This isn't an opinion, this is you crying out for help. Get therapy.

by Xhuels 11 months ago


by Hopeful_Gift 11 months ago

Cool doesn't answer my question at all.

by elza89 11 months ago

People without uteruses sure have a lot of opinions about those of us who do

by Hoyt73 11 months ago

I am female.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

If you consider pcos a legitimate reason then this makes no sense at all, because in most cases it is caused by a legitimate medical reason

by Ellsworthnader 11 months ago

By this logic, any intervention of any bodily anything is unethical.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Are you from Alabama? J/k however, if there is a religious basis to this argument I 100% respect your belief in it but I don't respect you thinking that you can change other people's choices bc they don't align with those beliefs.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I'm agonistic lol

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Ok cool, so I still stand by I don't respect you trying to change other people bc they don't align with your belief

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I'm someone who was born due to fertility treatments that is living with the consequences of it.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

You are forcing your body to artificially do something it isn't meant to do. Reproducing IS the entire intent of any living creature it is exactly what your body is intended to do, if you can't there is something wrong with your body and fertility treatment is the way to fix it.

by Lonely_Internal 11 months ago