+11 Really apathetic towards animals... amirite?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yeah that's some good "Yeah I bet a lot of you are going to disagree but I don't care, look how much I don't care, don't you dare not notice me not caring."

by Jess79 4 months ago

Despite knowing they feel pain just like us Not really, their pain is more akin to our anxiety, but still pain. Also, I wouldn't trust anyone who isn't compassionate towards animals, so yeah, I bet you feel isolated in that.

by darwinschuppe 4 months ago

Also, I wouldn't trust anyone who isn't compassionate towards animals, so yeah, I bet you feel isolated in that. Guess I'll just have to hide it my entire life? IDK. But why wouldn't you trust? Like I might be able to see you not trusting me around animals (despite me having no motivation to hurt any... normally when I see pets I try to hype it up to myself and pretend I'm having fun), but what issue could I possibly have with you that could lead to me not being trustworthy? I have empathy issues for humans too, which means I feel TOO MUCH empathy for humans, so there's no way in hell I'd hurt you.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Having compassion towards animals (to me) means that you deeply care about nature and respect it. I don't cut down a tree unless I have a very good reason to do so, and will not waste it either, unless it is rotten. While I feel way more strongly about my dog than about a chicken, for example, I still care about the well beings of living things and treat them with the greatest respect. You're probably a good person regardless, it's just stupid things I tell myself. It's just about care, really.

by darwinschuppe 4 months ago

Just pick up after yourself, don't break stuff for nothing and you're good in my book. Radical ecologists are just control freaks.

by darwinschuppe 4 months ago

Fair enough. That's how it works for some people.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

When you have some culture treating one particular animal (cat, cow, etc) like a god while some culture doesn't care the same animal at all, that pretty much means our value/attitude toward animals are mostly influenced by culture and not something that you gain automatically when you were born. Ironically, most people who find this an unacceptable behavior are the one who are apathy toward human and unable to see it from another person's perspective. Don't worry. It is completely fine. It is not something that you must have.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

My little boopykins doesn't care if you don't care

by Suitable_Marzipan750 4 months ago

Yeah well Boopykins is the nice once. Cuddlebug would kick your ass.

by Suitable_Marzipan750 4 months ago

Why? I didn't do anything wrong, you'd just be committing an assault for no reason...

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I rather a person be apathetic towards animals vs humans , humans we HAVE to interact with and team up with to make our society function, those who show apathy towards their fellow human to me exhibit sociopathic traits and could be a ticking time bomb to do something disastrous to someone they dislike. Or many innocents they feel wrong them as a society.

by Noemy40 4 months ago

I dunno. Humans backstab and lie and cheat and animals don't. Our cooperation and interaction is a delicate balance that can easily be turned into lawlessness and violence. I think I like animals more.

by Amely60 4 months ago

this is exactly what i mean, you cant really personify animals they have completely different thinking patterns. When you say they can cheat and backstab you, humans can also talk to you offer good advice and put you in positions to excel in life, buy you a house or car /food etc. Animals can be emotional support for some but humans can do that and more. Plus the position you have is privileged from the eyes of a human if you had to go live in the wild naked and live with only animals i dont think you would have as good of a time vs to have to only live with humans regardless of them being able to be "evil". Good and evil does not exist with animals its just survive.

by Noemy40 4 months ago

I don't think it's an awful opinion, but just wondering: have you ever had a pet that you connected with and loved? If not, it'd probably be a game changer

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It is a terrible idea to ask someone who doesn't care about pet to own a pet.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Like if it gets sick they'll be like, whatever. Oh well.

by Amely60 4 months ago