+20 The Halo TV Show is Good, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Masterchief constantly being out of the armor makes a difference to me. I constantly forget he's supposed to be masterchief.

by schambergerjana 4 months ago

That's not Masterchief, that's Mastercheeks

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Masterchief should have been a supporting character and the protagonist should have been a different spartan that no one would care if they constantly took off the suit

by schambergerjana 4 months ago

Alas, that would require critical thinking, planning, creative direction, you know the stuff that makes for good TV

by Anonymous 4 months ago

… then why make it a Halo show

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Idk, money, IP, merch. Basically for money haha. But why not enjoy it for what it is instead of picking it apart. Be glad we are even getting a Halo show even if it's not really what you wanted it to be

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Why on earth should I force myself to enjoy something mediocre even when separated from its source material? Especially when I KNOW the only reason they made this was to make money. Creative thinking and respect for the fans was not part of the process for making this show, so why should I respect it?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I haven't read any of the books

by schambergerjana 4 months ago

That's also like saying why make TNG when OG Star Trek nailed it. Because, there is a market for it

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Not really. A better comparison would be "let's make a Flintstones video game because people liked the cartoon 30 years ago"

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'm not sure if you're still on Halo or not but if you're referring to Star Trek, which was my comparison. But the Flinstones will never have the impact TNG had. Bad comparison!

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I can see where you're coming from. I'm just glad they are doing something different. But I felt they did a good job of reminding you how bad ass he is when it counts

by Anonymous 4 months ago

If it's not gonna follow the games then why'd they make it a Halo show? They could've told this exact same story with generic sci-fi characters and aliens and mech-suits and they wouldn't have had to destroy what little faith and hope Halo fans still have.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Because the Halo Universe is very rich in lore. I don't disagree with you. They could have done a bit better. But for what we got it's really not bad at all.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

So I'm definitely on board with that. She sucked. Her arc did introduce some interesting characters but that's kinda all. But if we just focus on Master Chief I think it's actually pretty good

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I don't think people have ANY idea how expensive CGI can be. There is no way any studio could turn a profit if the show by making it the way the fans want. I think the only way we get a big combat heavy Halo live action is in the form of a movie. As it stands I think the show is decent if not a little directionless. Season 2 is a significant improvement, but also undoes a lot of the groundwork from Season 1.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

If they can't make a Halo show, then they shouldn't have made a Halo show.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Not an unpopular opinion. The show has very favorable reviews.

by Proper_Highlight 4 months ago