+9 Japanese games are NOT better than western games. amirite?

by ArtichokeNo6886 4 months ago

Thank u! :)

by ArtichokeNo6886 4 months ago

From purely a health standpoint Japanese food is probably better for you than specifically US food

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Well yeah, everything Japanese is censored

by Anonymous 4 months ago

What if the comparison isnt in the number of good products but the number of bad ones. Because from what I've played I've had significantly less bad games and media come from Japan than I have the west

by Alive-Refrigerator 4 months ago

That key question is, do you fluently read Japanese/live locally in Japan? If not, you are playing better games that are able to export to western market vs all western game including bad games.

by IndependentMap 4 months ago

Let's put it that way. The average quality of Japanese game that are willing to put effort on English translation and audio to sell in western market is better than average quality of all western games. It is just like when someone said like 50 years ago music/movie/etc was better because they only remember the best of that era (unless there are huge improvement in those medium). You are comparing a filtered category vs unfiltered one.

by IndependentMap 4 months ago

Yeah. I meant it was an unfair comparison for most people unless you live in Japan and Western market. The ability to export to foreign market already filtered out some of the very bad games.

by IndependentMap 4 months ago

This is not remotely unpopular or controversial.

by Gullible_Break 4 months ago

so am i and i never really see this. of course there are discussions on the differences and tendencies of each which I think is interesting but I dont see many people going full weaboo "Japan better than dumb West!"

by judd01 4 months ago

From Software, Nintendo, Square Enix

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Larian, remedy, rockstar, id, hazelight, santa Monica Your point?

by ArtichokeNo6886 4 months ago

Isnt it coomonly accepted idea that western games are better? Ofc there are exceptions, but talking in general yhey are simply more fun.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Nah its common knowlege that western devs care more about diversity and battle passes than making good games.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

We are propably plaing different games. Dont realy encounter diversity or battle passes from western games.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

i mean, the same can be said for gatcha shenanigans in eastern games...

by Impressive-Guest6276 4 months ago

Y'all are missing my point.the west does as good as the east when it comes to making GOOD games. Thats the original argument. Process this.

by ArtichokeNo6886 4 months ago

Personal preference. I'm a big fan of Japanese food, but not of manga (I can't stand the drawing style), hate JRPGs and not even a big Zelda fan (although I liked the Twilight princess).

by Sure-Process-7059 4 months ago