+20 Just watched Good Will Hunting again. There's no way Ben and Matt wrote it, amirite?

by edgarmitchell 4 months ago

There's an off broadway play about this. The script miraculously falls into his lap. Aside from that, a mutual friend assured me that Matt wrote it and was with him during part of the process

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Okay. I'll concede he could have written part of it. But the meat of it… the idea for it… there's no way that friend could've been there for the whole process. It can take months to finish a script like that.

by edgarmitchell 4 months ago

I think you're probably telling the truth. Can't imagine why you wouldn't be. I'm just asking… can that friend swear an oath that he knows for a fact Matt wrote every word of that script? That the idea came from him? That every scene was his idea? That the dialogue was all written by him? The whole story arc? No, that friend can't. No one could.

by edgarmitchell 4 months ago

It's no mystery how smart Matt is. The man has done interviews since his 20s. We've grown up with him. I think we've all discerned his general IQ and character since then. But I went to a school like that too, and I can tell you… those kids are smart, but the ones who are genius level are a minority, even there.

by edgarmitchell 4 months ago

So, they bought it from someone else and they have like a life contract with that person and thats why Ben Affleck can't never be happy?

by Fair_Enthusiasm_9823 4 months ago

lol. Sounds like the man wasn't paid a penny, or ever acknowledged. But it would help Ben's alcoholism make sense. He's made some real poignant films since though, like The Tender Bar, which of course (of course because it's based on a famous book) he had no part in writing. Matt seems more the type to just push it under the rug and forget it, although that's a side of his character I can only speculate on.

by edgarmitchell 4 months ago

I don't think they had to buy the rights, do you? In the scenario shared in the link, that wasn't necessary and never entered the picture to that other guy's detriment.

by edgarmitchell 4 months ago

Oh, I see. I didnt click the link.

by Fair_Enthusiasm_9823 4 months ago