+1 Companies should be paying people on campany time to skill up. amirite?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

A lot of good companies do this. Mine does

by Anonymous 4 months ago

This is already a thing..some even pay for you to go back for your masters degree

by BadgerBeneficial 4 months ago

If you get an MBA they will ask for time in return. It's like those big sign on bonuses that have clawback clauses if the person leaves in less than x months.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yeah, good point.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

They might be able to remove money from your final paycheck? I'm not sure since not a lawyer, but there could be something mayhe in a contract where doing that removes the cost from your final paycheck

by BadgerBeneficial 4 months ago

The next level of training, up skilling isn't a thing you do once it's a thing you continually do.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Being a good employer.

by Ilianaondricka 4 months ago


by Anonymous 4 months ago

Is this not commonplace?

by Solid-Strain-8944 4 months ago

This exists.

by Distinct_Village 4 months ago

my job gives me $2,000 a year for professional development, courses, conversations, certifications, ect

by Justinaweimann 4 months ago