+11 People that go out into the world that don't own a phone really are a different breed, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

The same way we did it in the old days. What's really odd is that people can't do it anymore.

by edisonreichel 11 months ago

Practice makes perfect. If you always rely on a map, of course you'll struggle without one.

by edisonreichel 11 months ago

I wouldn't think of it as much as can't but more like why would you if given the choice? Honestly it's the most convenient and important thing you walk out of your house with every day.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Perhaps it's the most important thing you leave with everyday. But that's certainly untrue for many people, all over the world. I leave the house without my phone quite often.

by edisonreichel 11 months ago

While you may have known phones (with internet and data) for most of your life, we got along just fine without them before. YOU are the different breed who relies on them.

by lroob 11 months ago

That's why I said these days, I know things were different back then I'm 30 and I wouldnt say I rely on mine as I spent most of my late teenage years doing just that, no phone but I also didn't have a car so I walked everywhere too. It's how I got my first job walking all around town checking on hiring positions until I got an interview. All of this with no phone or car. This was mostly a compliment to people who can or choose to still do that in today's society where it seems everything's wanting to revolve around owning a phone or needing to get ahold of you some way.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I moved to lovely Raleigh, NC, about 10 years ago. Filled with rolling hills, no landmarks, and not much in terms of public transportation. While I could easily drive you downtown, if you asked me to point in the right direction, I might not get it right (as is the case with a lot of folks here). I know a young man with no sense of direction. Turns out that's a real thing that some people struggle with. Without GPS or phones or whatever, he would not survive here in Raleigh. The city and his existence are simply not compatible.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Where I am, in the UK, bus shelters have maps of the area, with a "you are here" arrow. Helped me a few times.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I've got 74 years behind me for the vast majority of that time I didn't own a cell phone, now I won't leave home without it.

by Anonymous 11 months ago