+8 Beans are an abomination and ruin every meal they're included in, amirite?

by VisiblePassenger1010 4 months ago

Skill issue tbh. If you know how to cook beans they are not that bad.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Things I noticed. They undercook their beans. They must be eating milk and potatoes for beans overwhelm their flavor, or they were forced beans a lot as a kid.

by Grouchy-Worth 4 months ago

Literally just tonight I made a spicy chicken and bean soup (or stew? or chili? Idk what to call it) that I'm going to eat for the next few days. I ate three bowls of it tonight because it turned out so good. I think OP would have REALLY hated it because not only did I include beans that you can see, but there were hidden beans too! I like to blend a can of them in the food processor with chicken broth and fresh cilantro because it improves the texture.

by Aggravating-Radio304 4 months ago

Imagine how much better it would have been without the beans

by okoelpin 4 months ago

Like eating hot soupy chicken salsa?

by Aggravating-Radio304 4 months ago

Any food described this way is horrible. Why tolerate not that bad?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

"not that's bad" is just validating OPs point

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I love beans! They're a great source of protein and fibre. I can't imagine life without them.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

They are very cost effective in winter. I hardly need to use the heater to heat the house after a nice meal full of beans.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

and the nachos! oh the nachos! so good...

by gia33 4 months ago

Also great if you're broke hehe

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Beans are great its just that most people can neither cook nor taste that well

by haileehegmann 4 months ago


by Connect-Resort1426 4 months ago

There's unpopular opinions and then there's just being straight up wrong.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Are you seriously denigrating the musical fruit??????? Beans beans the musical fruit the more you eat, the more you toot. the more you toot, the better you feel so let's have beans for every meal.

by Darian97 4 months ago

No, I'm pretty sure you're correct

by wintheiserbuck 4 months ago

there's several different versions of the rhyme

by Nullrich 4 months ago

Came for OP's disdain towards beans, end up learning about rhymes. What a fascinating day

by malika56 4 months ago

My local version is Beans, beans, good for the heart The more you eat, the more you fart The more you fart, the more you eat The more you sit on the toilet seat

by Nullrich 4 months ago

No. you were just taught wrong.

by Darian97 4 months ago

I was never taught about it, i found out from the internet lol

by malika56 4 months ago

lol My dad taught it to me. Likely the very first fart joke I ever heard.

by Darian97 4 months ago

Is it possible he taught it wrong, and the other guy heard it right?

by wintheiserbuck 4 months ago

Let me check. Nope. not possible

by Darian97 4 months ago

Also chiming in to say not possible

by Appropriate_Unit 4 months ago

Yeah I also learned magical

by Anonymous 4 months ago

No one believes me that beans are a garbage tier food. Although I don't really get what you mean about the taste, that isn't really a problem for me. The texture, no matter how cooked it is, is bad.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I agree. Beans have the weirdish grainy texture no matter how it's made. Like I just can't stand it.

by Current_Profit 4 months ago

IPA is another garbage tier *drink. I'm actually more of a cider drinker.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Same. Hate them in every form.

by Lakinmohamed 4 months ago

Someone clearly has never tried Ranch Style Beans.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Ranch makes everything better. except beans. OP is right.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Ranch-style beans got about as much to do with Ranch Dressing as Pope Francis does with teaching the Dalai Lama about the Noble Eightfold Path…

by Anonymous 4 months ago

That's a no from me then.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

You do realise there's multiple kinds of beans right. They all have different textures and tastes. If the only beams you have had, have a sandy texture, that's on you not beans

by Anonymous 4 months ago

You're dead to me.

by Inside-Hold 4 months ago

I admire your passion 😂 but seriously what kind and how the hell are you preparing these beans?! It's gotta be a you problem man

by lemuelkunze 4 months ago

In British food I will agree with you but if we're talking Mexican then you're dead wrong

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Your as wrong as OP

by Fit-Address 4 months ago

I actually particularly hate them in Mexican food but I think it is definitely an unpopular opinion haha

by VisiblePassenger1010 4 months ago

Who dafuq is making the food you call Mexican then? Some gringa that buys Old El Paso from Piggly Wiggly for taco night with all the grandkids?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

that's the only way this makes sense

by Lost-Explanation 4 months ago

You should be getting like charro or black beans, theyre meant to be eaten alone in the juice, though you could throw them on like a fajita or in a burrito or dunk something like a tortilla or piece of cornbread in them. Refried is okay but thats a different purpose.

by Huge_Kitchen 4 months ago

Soybean sauce is waving at you

by Breanne35 4 months ago

What happened to you? Your uncle put his finger up your no-no while you were eating beans?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

His family got kidnapped by beans on toast

by malika56 4 months ago

I liked beans until I saw what the Brits are doing with them.

by keongleason 4 months ago

Roman armies had better food

by Anonymous 4 months ago

There are great recipes with beans! Fagioli all'uccelletto frm Tuscany, for example.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Kidney beans are delicious. This opinion is not

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'm was mad until I saw your username. Silly kitty, you're a carnivore! Beans aren't for you. Or you're a tank. In that case they're not for you either.

by ggrimes 4 months ago

Don't mind them in soup and with rice and ground beef.

by Wunschgisselle 4 months ago

If you think beans are sandy, definitely stay away from kale and beets.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

(Black) beans don't taste like all that much to me, there's a lot of things that I just put some into to add some extra fiber and protein. Fiber especially - I eat fruits and vegetables every day but 30 grams of fiber per day is still kinda hard

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Oh, honey, grab a seat because we need to talk beans! Your disdain for these little legumes is quite the spectacle, but let's not throw shade without considering the other side of the kitchen, darling. Sure, you call beans "sand delivery mechanisms," but maybe you've just been munching on the wrong beans. Ever tried a well-seasoned, perfectly cooked black bean or a creamy garbanzo? They're practically the Beyoncé of the culinary world, stealing the show when done right. And let's not pretend your taste buds are the undisputed rulers of flavor. Beans bring a symphony of nutrients and protein to the party, unlike some bland, one-note ingredients. They're like the flavor superheroes that your taste buds didn't know they needed. Now, I get it – you want your textures intact. But come on, a little bean-induced interruption won't kill you. It might just teach your palate to tango in ways you never imagined. Instead of banishing beans, maybe it's time to upgrade your culinary playlist and let these little rebels spice up your life. So, darling, let's not declare a war on beans. Let's declare a truce and explore the tantalizing world of legumes. Who knows, you might just end up doing the cha-cha with a chickpea.

by Mconn 4 months ago

Green beans are delicious. Those round brown gritty mushy disgusting mostrosities are not

by Herminio39 4 months ago

I agree wholeheartedly. I am now your brother-in-arms and will fight alongside you.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Cocoa and peas gets a pass for me, other than that i agree. Keep fighting OP

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Want to trigger a Texan, ask him what type of bean is best in chili

by Anonymous 4 months ago

How come?

by Ok_Read 4 months ago

honestly real. i'm latino and we had beans and rice so often as a kid, i almost gag when looking at beans in most contexts now

by deion17 4 months ago

Better than Oysters. Actual meat that's also slime

by ChampionshipRoyal 4 months ago

What about beans in toast? Godly meal. Also can't have an English breakfast without bakes beans.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'm not a bean fan, but I haven't run into any of the issues you have.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

This is the worst opinion I've ever heard

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'm thinking about thos beans

by Tricky-Stay-2027 4 months ago

No mames güey

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I agree, beans are horrid. All beans, all types are horrible. The texture of them is awful and they are so dry and have no flavor. Worse food, I have no idea how someone can with a straight face offer beans as an alternative to anything

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I prefer beanis while eating my meal

by Balistrerilotti 4 months ago

I also don't like em! When my mum made bean soup (once a week) I preferred to just not eat. Still won't eat them to this day. Just some impossible food to digest as well.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

You can mix some condensed milk to beans to make a sweet treat.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

100% agree.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

You have never tasted the wonderful sensation of beans on toast

by Hour_Bad 4 months ago

I make an exception for canned baked beans and to a lesser degree refried beans, but otherwise fully agree with you.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I suppose you aren't really wrong in any of your arguements, but beans are cheap, while they taste bland they arent bad, and they are fairly healthy, no?

by RightSilver3147 4 months ago

Alright Pythagoras...

by Whoeger 4 months ago

Agreed, they're all disgusting, red beans especially. They never blend into a dish, you can always tell if they're in a dish and it's always an unwelcome realisation

by Tavares49 4 months ago

What about baked beans though. If you tried to make baked beans without beans you just have… sauce

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'm thinking maybe you've just never had beans that were properly cooked.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I hate beans so much

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Beans, beans, beans Japhy had some beans He was happy, happy, happy That he ate some beans

by Traditional_Base 4 months ago

Rice + Beans + chicken is my go to so I have to respectfully disagree. Good day to you sir.

by GlitteringNet5472 4 months ago

things like these in meals are leftovers from a time when you had to chuck anything you had / could grow in, id put mushrooms in the same class

by Vokeefe 4 months ago

This rant seriously sounds like Shakespeare and Gordon Ramsay had a baby

by Anonymous 4 months ago

pretty good unpopular opinion, everyone i know likes beans to some extent. & i've been playing too much bg3 & i read this whole thing in a githyanki tone

by Own_History6285 4 months ago


by Anonymous 4 months ago

Cilantro literally tastes like Irish Spring soap

by Hratke 4 months ago

I fully support you bro

by Flashy-Top 4 months ago

Bro never had feijoada.

by benjamin02 4 months ago

Finally. Another fellow bean hater.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Pythagoras moment

by Ok_Nefariousness 4 months ago

Depends on the type of beans. But i agree on some kinds

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Edamame is hella good.

by okonstefan 4 months ago


by Anonymous 4 months ago

What? I have never had a dry bean before lol. You clearly just don't know how to cook beans. To be fair I would never eat them at a restaurant since a lot of people don't cook them well, so I can see where your coming from, but when cooked right beans are so delicious and the texture beautifully indulgent, I LOVE BEANS!

by auerlaney 4 months ago

Lol okay pytaghoras

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I love beans on toast

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Agreed. Absolutely revolting garbage, I don't understand how anyone could want to eat them. The smell alone makes me want to puke - though not as bad as chickpeas. The texture is even more disgusting.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Bro's never had brazilian barbecue, them mfs make the beans more tasty than the meat itself

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Is that you, Pythagoras..?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Brit here; you are not talking about baked beans! Our country's national dish

by Anonymous 4 months ago