+16 Men that engage in hookups are afraid to fall in love, amirite?

by Anonymous 11 months ago

What does it mean if a guy is obsessive when you're non committed?

by herzogcassandre 11 months ago

Possibly that he has feelings that aren't fully reciprocated. Possibly that he has a sense of possessiveness. He selfishly wants his freedom to sleep around, but is jealous about her doing the same.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

probably that he doesn't want commitment but still wants all the benefits of what a committed relationship looks like

by Economy_Winter1731 11 months ago

It can be because of many reasons. For instance I had my heart broken and now I'm hesitant to get involved with anyone. I don't want to hurt anyone and I'm not the hookup type. Most girls lose interest in me before I get comfortable enough to make a move.. so I remain perpetually alone lol

by Ggottlieb 11 months ago

Also worth noting I see the same thing happening with a lot of women. Unfortunately many people in society are hurt and knowingly or unknowingly hurting others in their relationships. Love is a battlefield.

by Ggottlieb 11 months ago

Yeah, I'm the type of guy you're talking about. I gave up on developing real relationships a while ago seeing as I can't ever seem to replicate the relationship I wanted so badly and all I end up doing is hurting people. All I do now is hookup with people who expect the same from the off.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I think if you're talking about the really attractive guys, they notice that women are throwing themselves at them, they don't even have to try. You know what you do have to try at? Successful relationships.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Every pimp was a simp at one point in their life. But yah I agree, every player was once a person with a naive heart, it's hard to love like that again when you end up getting hurt. Slowly they they learn the game, but are not able to escape from it.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Yeah I agree fantasy love is not a thing made for te reality of the men. We wake up from this. If we become hoes that's a choice. But we for certain learn that being admired, taken cared of and love is a benefit to be enjoyed by the female. Being naive to this is surely leaves a traumatic after taste.

by MovieExtra5001 11 months ago

No men just horny

by Maximokshlerin 11 months ago

I don't think this is all encompassing. I've had hookups while being open to falling in love. Some encounters aren't meant to last, is all. Your observation is certainly true for many.

by No_Lecture1614 11 months ago

well, tbh it's also just fun I don't know if you are men ar a woman, but men have higher sex drive, and have more preference towards diversity in sex partners. It's settling down and monogamy thatbis a social construct. Men that hookup are healthy biologically and badly socialised

by Anonymous 11 months ago

I pretty sure it's everybody lol. Men, women, a lot of young people are just tryna get that nut off. Especially encouraged by a vocal minority who gets to talking about their individual experiences; which might be based off of like a few interactions

by Status-Scallion-7160 11 months ago

To an extent but I don't believe that this is exclusive to men. Everyone is cheating and hooking up nowadays, we live in a world of instant gratification with minimal consequences.

by Laishakozey 11 months ago

I don't think we all attach such significance to the physical act of sex. I'm more bonobo than gorilla. I think people who make a big deal out of it tend to have the unhealthiest relationship with sex and relationships. Jealous boyfriends, closeted holy men and incels all share in this 'serious' attitude that doesn't really reflect how minor of a thing it really is in the grand scheme of things. Taboos backfire.

by Shermanmann 11 months ago

Nah. I engage in hookups because the girls I've been with have shown me exactly why it's not worth it to be in a committed relationship. And like 80% of the girls I've hooked up with were in "committed" relationships or married. Why would I pursue that? No cope here. I value my solitude, independence, and peace of mind.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Casual sex destroys ones ability to maintain long-term relationships. If your goal in life is to have a family and happy marriage, sleeping around when you're young is a terrible idea

by Dry-Mammoth 11 months ago

Guys are not meant to fall in love and be romantic. They learn the hard way women are repulsed by this, so they discard the weak needy version of themselves and give women the version of men they want. As the saying says. Women hate to love the bad boy inaccessible guy and despise the open heart emotionally dependent faithful romantic. It is what it is.

by MovieExtra5001 11 months ago

Boo. Not an unpopular opinion, in fact it's a super common stereotype

by Fit_Donut_8524 11 months ago

Engaging in hookups and being a player are not mutually exclusive. I'm honest with women and they will know if I'm trying to pursue a relationship with them or if I'm just trying to have a good time.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Yeah that can be A reason. To say it's THE reason is definitely unpopular.

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Majority of guys aren't players, it's a smaller percentage of very narcissistic men that objectify women and the women enable this behavior by swooning over materialistic superficial men

by Anonymous 11 months ago

Humans that engage in hookups. Women are also very guilty of this in my experience

by Anonymous 11 months ago