+11 Carrot and corn have no place in a sandwich, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I don't think ever literally ever seen a sandwich with either ingredient in it

by FederalAccount 4 months ago

I've seen carrots cut julienne (not to be mistaken for carrot sticks) in sandwiches. They're pretty good and not crunchy if cut thin enough.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Very common in bahn mi

by ymiller 4 months ago

Ahh the wild world of exotic foreign sandwiches. My favorite is the Canadian Chiveche. Which is from Uruguay, not Canada.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I have, but not often. I've had carrots in Banh Mi sandwiches or mixed in with coleslaw. The only time I've seen corn is on Sandwiches of History on YouTube when a 1930s sandwich randomly had some corn as an ingredient.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I have seen some of them in Japan and Korea. And a lot here in Vietnam, for example banh mi.

by Boring-Chemistry7880 4 months ago

I do a sandwich with Tuna, mayo and Corn (mixed together); someone taught me in UK that. It sounds weirder than it is 😅 But I don't think I ever seen one with corn in any store or cafe.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Imho, it's great! Totally unexpected combo to me, but I am still having it some 10 years later after I learnt about it 😅

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Bánh mì

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Vietnamese sandwiches have shaved picked carrots and those sandwiches are fire. Never seen corn on a sandwich though.

by WestRefuse 4 months ago

Well, potato salad sandwich or a rie bread sandwich with coleslaw might have some carrots in it, but in a negligible amount. Corn? Never seen it in a sandwich, hope i never do… Wait, maybe a shrimp mousse sandwich might have some corn in it, I do hope nobody ever serves me that, i know i never will serve it.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Pickled carrots and diakon radish on bahn mi sandwich is the bomb

by Wide_Commercial3347 4 months ago

Did someone make you a carrot and corn sandwich?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Thankfully no, I just live in a country where it's a thing you sometimes come across.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It does sound atrocious

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Carrots in coleslaw ----> bbq sandwich Pickled carrots ----> banh mi

by Then_Paint_3682 4 months ago

You should look into Vietnamese Bành mì sandwiches. Carrots are one of the main ingredients, and it's absolutely delicious.

by houston75 4 months ago

Honey roasted carrots with roast beef in a sandwich goes pretty hard.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I concede, that does sound pretty schmakin'. However I still maintain that a pile of grated carrot in a sandwich sucks.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

A sandwich purist is someone that thinks a sandwich should have a filling and a condiment between 2 slices of bread. I must be a sandwich purist then. (Past. Carrots are good for you. Food isn't always there just for flavour. But for Vitamins etc) And lastly. You are acting like some expert. It's a fckin sandwich.

by Ok-Fruit 4 months ago

Clearly not knowing how to use your ingredients puts a big burden on you. Carrot sticks give good texture to a veggie sandwich. And corn in a tuna salad sandwich adds some sweetness

by NewSeries 4 months ago

and lets not forget about carrots cut julienne. its already good but pickle it and you can make some great sandwiches.

by ComparisonFearless76 4 months ago

What about ants?

by Israel80 4 months ago

Wasn't there something about ants in Frisky Dingo?

by Israel80 4 months ago

Corn can do, as part of a mix like tuna mayo. Carrot doesn't though

by ThickEssay7570 4 months ago


by Anonymous 4 months ago

carrots cut julienne are good on a lot and you can pickle it for more flavour. just look at báhn mì carrots are a vocal point and that is such a delicious sandwich. you just need to know how to use them

by ComparisonFearless76 4 months ago

I know how to use them, namely not in a sandwich

by ThickEssay7570 4 months ago

apparently not. theres a lot of ways carrots can go into a sandwich and improve it. be it texture wise or flavour wise. now if you dont like either thats fine its just food. but one thing we should be able to agree on is that nutrition wise carrots will improve a sandwich 10/10 times of course we are talking about oppinions about food so radical differences are to be expected.

by ComparisonFearless76 4 months ago

Do those Vietnamese sandwiches count? Grilled pork, pickled daikon, pickled carrots, cilantro, cucumber, a tangy sauce on a portioned piece of french baguette

by Gloverkamren 4 months ago

Bahn mi slaps

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Who the hell outs carrots and corn in their sandwiches

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Pickled carrots in banh mi but other than that naah big time

by bridgette29 4 months ago

I would assume this is why I've never seen a sandwich with carrots or corn in them

by Anonymous 4 months ago

What if carrot is the bread? Circle of carrot, Slice of meat, Circle of carrot.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Who parked their car, on my sandwich?

by Bwisoky 4 months ago

Banh mi?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Whabout a corn tortilla quesadilla, is that not some manner of sandwich?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

This take was about as bland as a carrot sandwich.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Dear God who made you a sandwich with corn or carrot?! That sounds like an abomination that should never ever have been made! Who did you piss off to have that kind of sandwich made for you?😂

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I can't stand corn in savory foods. That sudden sweetness is so off putting.

by Striking-Surround 4 months ago

My bahn mi sandwich would disagree with the carrots

by Wide_Commercial3347 4 months ago

Corn? WTF?

by Anonymous 4 months ago