+17 Harry Styles is not that bad, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

People like to put him down because he is pop, was in a boy band so by reacting to him they think they come across as some elite music snob. But I think fair play to him, he is doing something different if you listen to his music. His look can be, interesting. I'd have to ask what they would prefer, him to still do straight pop, love songs and being dressed by stylists like something out of the 90s? I am into heavier music but am not going to begrudge pop like this at all.

by Pale-Entry 4 months ago

Harry Styles is far from bad. He's a breath of fresh air in a world of boring pop music. His music is catchy and fun, and his style is unique. I don't get the hate either.

by Savings-Vegetable 4 months ago

Also AI covers of his songs with Freddie Mercury's voice go hard

by Anonymous 4 months ago

harry styles is a great musician. people just love pushing others down to make themselves feel better. they wouldn't never listen to this "mainstream, boring pop music" cause they're oh so special. and some peoples opinions are simply trash. i mean, there are even some people who say the beatles are overrated. and they are literally the beatles. how can you hate on the beatles?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I just honestly prefer it, mainly because my favourite musicians and bands are from that time

by Anonymous 4 months ago