+28 Young people aren't anxious about calls. They're anxious about *phone* calls specifically - because their quality sucks. amirite?

by Milford62 4 months ago

No, I'm anxious about calls in general. Nothing to do with quality, that sounds like a you thing.

by Cultural-Disk8110 4 months ago

The anxiety isn't because of call quality.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Coming from a country where phones have a stable connection, people still hate phonecalls......

by Any_Focus1600 4 months ago

This is unpopular because it's incorrect.

by Kasey27 4 months ago

You're ignoring the biggest difference between video calls and regular phone calls. With Teams or Zoom or any other vp, you know who is calling. Why they are calling. When they are calling. You don't get random calls catching you off guard. You don't have spam and strangers ringing you up. If I got a random Teams or Zoom call, I'd go right ahead and ignore it the same way I ignore random phone calls.

by Hungry-Job-8319 4 months ago

Well, I was talking specifically about me having to call someone, so that does not apply.

by Milford62 4 months ago

You do know that the person you are calling still has to deal with all of this, right? And when you are making the call, you don't know how the other person is going to respond. Maybe they're busy. Maybe they're in a bad mood. Maybe they hate getting random phone calls when it isn't necessary. Again, with vp, you know who is calling and why and when. You know the person you are calling isn't going to be caught off guard, because it's freaking scheduled.

by Hungry-Job-8319 4 months ago

What are you on about mate, phone quality is fine, sounds like a problem with your country, not in general.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

phone quality is fine Compared to, let's say, a 96 Kbps Discord channel? Not even close.

by Milford62 4 months ago

Probably cause the iPhone is using Apple's proprietary network or something instead of the phone network like every other phone.

by Rough_Comedian 4 months ago