+25 It's just as hard to lose at Rock Paper Scissors as it is to win. amirite?

by keshaun64 4 months ago

..unless you know your opponent Poor predictable Bart, always picking rock

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Good Ole Rock, nothin' beats that!

by keshaun64 4 months ago

Reminds me of an episode of Pete and Pete where there was a kid who always played paper, but if he lost he would paper cut his opponent. So young Pete had the dilemma of whether he should just let the other kid win or whether to beat him and stand up to his attempt to cut him after.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Isn't it statistically if you try to lose you win? If you play rock and they play paper, then do what would lose to paper and they will choose to beat rock.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

That depends upon who has the shotgun.

by blair11 4 months ago

I dunno, u can kind of profile ppl in this game

by Gwalter 4 months ago