+24 All hotels and property rentals should switch to "free and clear" laundry detergent, amirite?

by Fine-Pass 1 month ago

I don't have a sensitivity to detergent, but this would be a nice change. Unfortunately, hotels and rentals frequently use commercial detergent that comes in 5 gal buckets, or 55 gal barrels. If there's even a dye-free, perfume-free option for these, I can guarantee that it's at a premium, and property owners will save a buck anywhere they can. It's too bad, because those tiny upgrades can really make the customer experience a lot more positive.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

This is really informative thank you. Makes sense. I definitely think it would be a positive change for a significant population of people but knowing this I can see why it won't happen lol.

by Fine-Pass 1 month ago

I mean, bring your own towel. Also, you use face cloths at hotels? Can you imagine how many people have used those to wipe their shoes off? Prob a lot, right?

by Kameron09 1 month ago

Honestly I should've made it clear that this issue is mostly tied to bedding because that's the hardest part to get around

by Fine-Pass 1 month ago

Sleeping bag.

by Kameron09 1 month ago

My unpopular opinion is that you should be able to use the bed you are paying for in a hotel.

by ProgrammerSafe 1 month ago

Yea, I can understand towels and face cloths being a "bring your own" type thing, but the bed should be fair game

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Ya they should probably just bring their own house to the airbnb because can you even imagine how many people have been in the one provided? /s

by Deion69 1 month ago

Surely if hotel companies started ordering dye and fragrance free detergent, thus increasing the demand, the detergent making companies would eventually start competing to offer it for cheaper and cheaper? It shouldn't be more expensive on it's own to just make detergent and not add the dye and fragrance, the only thing making it more expensive is that it's a specialty product

by parkerrylan 4 weeks ago

I agree. I don't usually have skin allergies but different countries use different ingredients, so I believe it could happen to anyone. I once had a very severe allergic reaction to the detergent they used on the sheets and towels on a hotel while in France. I was 12 and my parents had to take me to the hospital and none of us spoke french so it was a nightmare.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Wow I'm glad you "made it out" when that young with that kind of reaction. that's much more severe than I experience with dermatitis, but definitely another example of preventable bodily issues from switching to simpler detergent

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

Not really the attitude I'm having where everyone must cater to "me", but more the wide population of people with skin issues where this change would not affect normal people but would help people like me. but I can see how it came across that way. Obviously ignoring the extra cost this would put on hotels.

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

My wife has really bad eczema. She just wears light oj pants and long sleeve with socks. Brings her own pillow case. I see where you're coming from, but exactly as you said, any business is concerned with their profits not people's skin conditions.

by Organic-Working-2814 4 weeks ago

got the crux of it 👍

by Berry44 4 weeks ago

Hard agree, I dont really have any skin issues with laundry detergent, but my taste in scents rarely lines up with the hotel manager I guess.

by sherwoodkeeling 4 weeks ago

Seriously, same here!

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

Coworker zips herself up in a bunny suit when she stays in hotels.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Is that for fun, or because of sensitive skin? Because tbh..either way is awesome

by Accomplished_One1787 4 weeks ago

When I had a roommate, I couldn't stand the smell of scented detergent, so I told him to just use my free and clear detergent. I agree with you.

by pollichgerhard 4 weeks ago

I assume they just use whatever is most cost effective for them They make disposable pillow covers/sheets for traveling if that might help you?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yeah definitely. I'll see if they have those from now on

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

One I use uses a hospital blanket service company

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

That's pretty interesting!

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

Hotel cleaning agents are designed to achieve tough health and hygiene standards that can't be achieved with your limitations.

by lupeschulist 4 weeks ago

Can be accomplished without added perfumes.

by Aggravating-Key 4 weeks ago

It is accomplished without added perfumes.

by lupeschulist 4 weeks ago

Have you smelled a hotel lately? Perfume is definitely present in many of the cleaners.

by BranchOrganic 4 weeks ago

Why yes. I smelled a hotel today, as a matter of fact. I didn't say that there are no scents in anything a hotel uses. But the industrial laundry detergents aren't going to have added perfumes because there is no business benefit to it. It would increase the manufacturing costs of the products, and thereby increase the costs of the hotel buying the products. Hotels do use air fresheners, because bad smells are a sure fire way to end up with unhappy guests. Lower tier hotels may end up using cheap, crappy options.

by lupeschulist 4 weeks ago

Jumping in for help...I have to use free and clear but cant find a brand that gets my gym clothes smelling clean. Any one have suggestions?

by No-Security-4001 4 weeks ago

Thanks! Yeah I've never used fabric softner...id scratch my skin off. But my gym stuff air dries anyway

by No-Security-4001 4 weeks ago

Good question! For me to be honest the Amazon pods have been a good option

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

I imagine they're made of synthetic fibers which tend to trap odours. My work uniform is as well so I like to soak in diluted vinegar before washing when it gets bad and it gets rid of any smells!

by marcelle57 4 weeks ago

My unpopular opinion is that this is something that would help the many people with bad skin at the cost of not having the detergent scent. It doesn't change or alter anything else.

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

Why can't you bring your own?

by Kledner 4 weeks ago

You want him to re wash the sheets on his hotel bed before he sleeps in it?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Bring sheets. Use your own sheets. EZ

by Mother-Emphasis6169 4 weeks ago

Idk about OP but people with skin sensitivity can react to the residue of washing machines too, so even if they bring their own, it's not always effective.

by Nfeeney 4 weeks ago

Fair enough. I never do laundry at hotels. I just bring enough for my stay.

by Kledner 4 weeks ago

I'm kind of surprised they don't do it already, but guess theyjust haven't been sued yet

by Ricechester 4 weeks ago

Sued? For using detergent that doesn't agree with someone? Makes sense.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

For hotels, it's a cost thing. Cheaper for them.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yeah definitely makes sense

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

The crazy thing here is that detergents with added chemical fragrances are less expensive in bulk than detergents without them. (And no, I have no allergies or skin conditions of any type.)

by sanfordminerva 4 weeks ago

Yeah I'd be curious about exact prices with bulk detergents and stuff

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

Not just sensitive skin, but people with asthma and chemical sensitivity would also appreciate it.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Wife can't stand tide, allergic to it. I can do any brand but here we are.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I know the feeling. Certain brands my skin just cannot do

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

Yes. All of society should change for you.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Sounds like someone with no skin issues🤣anything but fake.

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

Oh, she is absolutely starting to develop some skin issues in her older age. She just cracks me up how she goes against every personal value when it comes to housekeeping and working in the hotel industry. I hope your skin issue is not tied to any type of auto immune disorder that is more likely for women than men

by Electronic_Trip 4 weeks ago

The opinion would only be unpopular with hotel people. SO many people who stay in hotels leave stank behind... smoking, body odors, body fluids, body solids in inappropriate places, drug smells, food, all sorts of assaults they would NEVER inflict on their own spaces. Laundry scents are one of the cheap ways to help mask the insanity of the creatins that did unmentionable things in the room you are staying in. 😆

by guillermozbonca 4 weeks ago

Guess that's for sure true lol!

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

Sounds like a pretty specific issue. Why not just bring some detergent with you? I travel for work a lot and always bring detergent with me.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

The sheets are laundered by the hotel with their detergent.

by pollichgerhard 4 weeks ago

Pack some sheets? Seems like a pretty easy fix

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I do that specifically for my clothes, definitely. Oftentimes we get back in the evening from being out all day on these special occasions and we just tolerate it because it's late and we don't want to wash the whole bed/wait for it to dry into the night. Call me lazy lol but the queen/king beds that we often get especially when with other family are just not worth the effort of taking apart to wash late at night since we mostly just use these places to sleep

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

This guy sells laundry detergent

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I would never sleep in the hotel sheets,I'd be surprised if they were even washed at all. Bring something to sleep in and pillowcases everytime.

by Rosendolubowitz 4 weeks ago

Prison has clear detergent, maybe you would like it there.

by Competitive-Book7391 4 weeks ago

Did this make you upset? Lol

by Fine-Pass 4 weeks ago

It is truly an unpopular opinion. People like you are why I shouldn't (but still do) wear cologne. The kind of people think they are allergic to smoke.

by Competitive-Book7391 4 weeks ago