+41 Is being close minded an actual bad thing? (Just some rambling really) amirite?

by maverickhermist 4 weeks ago

Just because you can't change someone's mind that doesn't mean they are closed minded.

by Massive-State 4 weeks ago

If you're trying, then you're not being closed-minded. Someone who's closed-minded doesn't consider the possibility that they're wrong. You can consider the possibility, conclude you're not wrong, and still be open-minded.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

If you dont have an open mind, how will you learn from your mistakes?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

being open-minded doesn't mean that you HAVE to change your mind, but that you are open to the idea. it's also important to be respectful of other people's opinions, even if you don't understand or agree. being close-minded is just ignorant in my opinion; being open-minded will help you to grow as a person. you can't grow if you don't at least challenge yourself

by wsmitham 4 weeks ago

I think being closed minded can be good. You're comfortable when you're closed minded. It's everyone else around you that goes crazy.

by Many_Bad_9783 4 weeks ago