+32 Losing weight is the easiest thing in the world, and people act as if it's not up to them but to some factor they can't control, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

what decade of life are you in?

by One_Armadillo 4 weeks ago


by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

ok cool just wanted to make sure you weren't like 20 or something talking about how easy it is to maintain your weight

by One_Armadillo 4 weeks ago

Third decade would put them in their 20's

by Agile_Sort6635 4 weeks ago

ah, true. good catch

by One_Armadillo 4 weeks ago

I never understood this thing, that it's easy to maintain slim.body in your youth. I restrict my food and calorie intake since i was a teen to maintain a slim siluette. Never was able to eat unhealthy or a lot while without gaining weight immediatelly. Two tiny meals a day it is for me. I don't mind really, j don't care for food all that much, but always eating healthy/low is time consuming.

by considinebailee 4 weeks ago

Easiest thing

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You sound very young

by Fionawalter 4 weeks ago


by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Weight control is easier when you're young. It gets harder over time.

by Fionawalter 4 weeks ago

If it was easy, nobody would be fat.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It is easy, but people are irresponsible and lazy

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I don't like people who evade reality.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You obviously need to take a physiology class.

by sammyzulauf 4 weeks ago

I'm sorry you don't like yourself.

by carolinaleannon 4 weeks ago

While I do agree that for most people, losing weight is more about controlling their eating habits but for some it is difficult due to underlying medical conditions, hormonal imbalances, etc.

by Ublick 4 weeks ago

Hormonal disorders primarily come from poor nutrition. I haven't seen in pictures of Auschwitz or similar places people who are obese.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago


by One_Armadillo 4 weeks ago

Care to share the joke?

by Ublick 4 weeks ago

just that he went there

by One_Armadillo 4 weeks ago

Same lmao

by Zealousideal-Mark 4 weeks ago

Dude.... Saying there were no fat people in Auschwitz is not a good argument for why weight loss is easy.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Not necessarily, I suffer from PCOS, and for a very long time it was very difficult for me to lose weight especially during my late teens even when I had a very healthy diet and exercised 4 times a week. It took a lot of time and effort and discipline on my part to be able to get fit.

by Ublick 4 weeks ago

And you did it

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Of course, but the point is that it wasn't the "easiest thing in the world"

by Ublick 4 weeks ago


by Ublick 4 weeks ago

It's not all poor nutrition. For instance, medication for some chronic illnesses can contribute to weight gain. It can also make it hard to lose weight and keep it off.

by SeaTransition4565 4 weeks ago

I await you meeting your 40s.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

My grandfather is 84 years old and fit, my father is 62 and fit too, activity and healthy eating are the key to everything, it's that simple.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I offer €10,000 to anyone who follows my plan and program but doesn't lose weight.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

What's your plan?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It's different "losing weight" and "losing weight healthy"

by nicholas70 4 weeks ago

Elaborate please

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I agree. Again, it's a problem of irresponsibility. People want something quick and permanent results, while in reality, you need to have a quality diet throughout your life

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

you need to have a quality diet throughout your life You think that is the "easiest thing in the world"?

by Agile_Sort6635 4 weeks ago

Yes. 100%

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Nevermind... you apparently also think being in Auschwitz is just as easy. Weird bait

by Agile_Sort6635 4 weeks ago

No, i dont think that, but you obviously don't know what is difficult if eating healthy is difficult for you.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Weight gain can also be due to consumption of certain medications primarily high dose steroids which are probably taken in case of severe aggravated health problems.So it's not entirely true.However the people that are otherwise okay definitely can lose weight with a little effort and consistency.

by Technical_Switch_403 4 weeks ago

I dont think that over 99 million americans are on steroids

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You seem like a real polite guy to talk to ..You do realize that being fit or having the desire to exercise daily doesn't make you morally superior to others.Also there's more to the world than just America.Globally there millions of people that consume steroids for exacerbated Asthma,Alopecia,Multiple Sclerosis , Crohn's Disease,diseases you probably might not have even heard of.Its a good thing to have a strong opinion but don't be ignorant towards the reality .Anyways have a good one .

by Technical_Switch_403 4 weeks ago

Did you ever gained weight in your adulthood?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Nope, i eat healthy and workout

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Not to mention finding the time to do these things naturally gets harder if you have kids

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

As an exercise physiologist, I'm willing to bet there are "fat" people who are fitter than you. Human physiology is insanely complicated and there are countless factors which play into how quickly or easily someone can lose weight through healthy means. It's not always a laziness thing, sorry.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Honestly, I agree. It was very unexpectedly easy for me too. But I guess its hard for most people. I can lose 3 kgs per month. Whats difficult is gaining muscle. I still havent been able to do that.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Kinda agree with you. What i don't get it why people even allow themselves to be obese. Like, they see their bidy getting bigger with time - and they just keeping eating thr same way? And then their like - opsie, i am a 100+kg, it's soo difficult to loose it. I maintain my healthy healthy weight by scaling myself every single god damn day first thing in thw morning. Then i see, if i need to make any changes in my diet. Surplus of 2kg in a few weeks? I need to cut down on something until i am back to my previous weight. It's not so hard. It's as easy as skippimg second protion of dinner for a few days and replacong a desert with an apple. Ta da!

by considinebailee 4 weeks ago

Yeah the science for sure has it all wrong. Just eat 6 meals a day but fast but never skip breakfast, do cardio but focus on strength exercise, count your carbs.. no it's fat… it is calories in calories out except if your calories get too low it will wreck havoc on your metabolism, just relax don't stress, just run steps on your lunch break at work, get good sleep, don't blame it on your hormones but make sure to get those thyroids checked. metabolism will slow down with age here are 30 ways to increase your metabolism, get a trainer, pay for this secret recipe, find an accountability buddy but you can do it on your own your just lazy. 🙄

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

There are medical conditions which ruin your ability to lose weight. But for most part, yes, people are just lazy and fat

by Double-Share 4 weeks ago

Measure calories in, calories out. That's the trick. Wanna be smaller? Burn more and or eat less. Wanna be bigger? Eat more and or burn less.

by Starkalexie 4 weeks ago

It is that simple. But people seem to not want to live in reality.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago