+59 There are more trees on our planet than stars in our Galaxy. amirite?

by Hanechristiana 4 weeks ago

Yea 3 trillion is definitely bigger than 8 trillion

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I suggest you research the estimated number. It's between 200-400 billion stars.

by Hanechristiana 4 weeks ago

"with some estimates placing that number as high a 8 trillion" You are cherry picking, same as me. We dont know either statistic.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Could you show me the source of this information?

by Hanechristiana 4 weeks ago

Literally google it

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Oh lmao RIP

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Our whole galaxy is tiny compared to the Universe in general.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This is a theory but it makes sense with the data we have right now. It's a good thing to read about

by ychamplin 4 weeks ago

Well the trees estimate was given by going field studies, but the stars estimate was just an estimate. There's many ways people have tried to measure this and answers all differ. It's a type of theory but I may just be high and dumb and I think thats it lol

by ychamplin 4 weeks ago