+35 Abuse in Hollywood is its legacy, amirite?

by Western-Box 4 weeks ago

It's not unique to Hollywood, and I don't say that to defend Hollywood. It's important that we learn from this stuff, and apply that to every industry. It's present anywhere there is a power discrepancy. Kids in high level sports are probably even more at risk. There are a dozen Weinsteins in every small city. It seems like once a week a teacher is getting outed for doing something horrible to a kid. Hollywood is more visible because of celebrities and it's a long time political target. There are 1000x more Jake the CEO's kids.

by Honest_Confidence599 4 weeks ago

I agree with you. Hollywood stands out as something we all had a chance at witnessing, that's why i find it particularly upsetting.

by Western-Box 4 weeks ago

If only we had a generation that wouldn't tolerate abuse. It's not unique to Hollywood. People all over the country will let their employer abuse them in various ways because they're afraid of what will happen if they don't.

by First-Figure-2796 4 weeks ago

I agree. In this context I'm referring to the pervasive abuse seemingly prevalent in Hollywood, but indeed, you're correct in inferring this is commonplace across many workplaces. I'm particularly bewildered because this is an industry that is geared toward public consumption and the abuse is still overlooked.

by Western-Box 4 weeks ago

The rabbit hole goes deeper Alice.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

the reference to alice in wonderland is ironic

by Fit_Gazelle8731 4 weeks ago

That, and making movies.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You really think stuff like that isn't still happening???

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You may have misinterpreted my meaning. I'm certain it's still ongoing, i'm simply saying abuse in the past, indeed the present, has been ignored or is being enabled.

by Western-Box 4 weeks ago

Throw enough money at desperate folks and see what they'll do/ they'll allow their kids to do. The kids of those desperate folks finally realized they were used.

by Quiet-Cook3385 4 weeks ago

There has been multiple iterations and examples of this abuse and the idolatry of celebrity clouds our societal judgement towards the abusers. We tend towards sympathy of the abused, but enable the abusers.

by Western-Box 4 weeks ago