+29 Social media is just brainwashing. amirite?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Don't forget nuclear power plants.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

The safety of the blue screen wall

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Only because they know they won't get the crap kicked out of them.

by Long-Adeptness 4 weeks ago


by VeterinarianTrue5359 4 weeks ago

People who need the threat of eternal punishment to be good people aren't good people

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

With some religions you don't even have to do something bad. If you don't believe in their version then too it's eternal punishment.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Depends on the religion. Not all religions or variants of religions believe in eternal punishment

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Thats not the point of a God in the religions youre thinking of

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Right, how could you possibly know sexually assaulting a kid was wrong unless jesus told you first?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

To be fair, the christian church does struggle with that

by Excellent_Menu 4 weeks ago

No they don't. The abused child is always at fault.

by temard 4 weeks ago


by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You can roll your eyes all you want. MORALITY is what pushed me into God. There's no other way to justify it.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I disagree obviously lol. In good faith, I swear 🤞, should there be any type of law if there is no creator law maker, and if so why?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Do you mean civil law? That's made by humans and it's not an objective morality but some sort of agreement we make based on the morality of most.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

How does this even make sense lol

by nakiaschinner 4 weeks ago

It still is with a creator, because people who claim to know what the creator thinks are just making it up

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

What does god have to do with morals?? Alot of religious zealots have no morals at all

by Defiant_Ganache 4 weeks ago

Claiming a religion does not automatically mean you are morally within the said teachings.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

The bible has no problem with slavery, do you think slavery is moral?

by Live_Signature507 4 weeks ago

How do you explain morality without a God who instilled the moral laws within us?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Easy. Just be a decent human to yourself and others.

by Defiant_Ganache 4 weeks ago

Why should I be a decent person?

by Fadeldorthy 4 weeks ago

I would assume you would like to be treated decently yourself. That's all.

by Excellent_Menu 4 weeks ago

Is the sake of being a good person not enough for you?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Ummm… Forming your own opinion? I respect having a god for that, but saying that is the only option is genuinely ridiculous.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yes but individuals don't decide on morality. Societies do. Most ppl don't want to get killed so as a collective we will make rules that prohibit murder. Most ppl don't want to get stolen from so as a collective we outlaw thievery

by Worldly_Can_6180 4 weeks ago

But why is there a concensus?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Where does empathy come from?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Empathy comes from humanity. Empathy comes from wanting to treat other life like you would want to be treated yourself. Again, a belief in god is not necessary in this process. You talk about social media being brainwashing and yea. You talk about people being afraid to say things to not offend others and I agree so I'm saying that religion is brainwashing and the idea that you need to believe in god to have morals is disgusting

by abshiredelaney 4 weeks ago

Morality is how I became to believe in God. There is no other explanation.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Why isn't it moral to cull the weak than? Pretty logical.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

The exception doesn't make the rule bud. We have built-in morality instilled from our creator. Nothing is wrong without the rule of god.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

We're born sinners. Try your best to listen to your inner godly voice ❤️ I promise I'll do my best in return!

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Funny thing, I'm gay.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I guess I did ask you to read paragraph or 2 😆😔 sorry

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Look, I'm not gonna ask you to read a paragraph or 2. But when you accept that Jesus was "The King of Kings," you will understand the his teachings are the closest you can come to your own Godly image. You'll fall short of that voice that pushes you, but know that Jesus and I love you! Keep trying!

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

evolutionary survival instinct. humans are pack animals. we depend on eahother to survive. if you start hurting people in your group, you get ostracized, you die. people who dislike hurting people and like helping people survive.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It's called reason.

by Virtual_Night 4 weeks ago

Ok, how do you know what is right and wrong? (I'm asking in 100% good faith).

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

because hes a human being who can tell right from wrong if you need a god for that your just a child.

by amy23 4 weeks ago

It's especially funny when those who claim no God try to "hold" moral high ground! The fact that you need a God to tell you what your morals should/should not be is genuinely disturbing.

by Suitable_Name981 4 weeks ago

Who is telling you what is right and wrong?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

My own sense of empathy. I have an understanding of what it feels like to be wronged, and I have no desire to make others feel that way. Good people genuinely have no desire to harm others. With or without a God telling them. Simply behaving like a good person because God instructed you not to harm others does not make someone a good person. Good people don't need to fear God's wrath and eternal damnation to behave.

by Suitable_Name981 4 weeks ago

Where does this "sense of empathy" come from? Why is it "wrong" to make others feel this sense of injustice? If it's your own sense of self gratitude you're after, harming others shouldn't be an issue.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It's cognitive you are born with it or course there are exceptions but they are usually psychopaths

by rbosco 4 weeks ago

Did you really just call Jewish people "the bad guys"? 🤣

by Suitable_Name981 4 weeks ago

On social media? Of course

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yes, actually. There's no universal law saying that murder is bad, but most societies institute such laws to maintain social order and based on the fact that we humans fear death as part of being living creatures. Morality isn't objective, it's social. But since you're one of those guys, I assume that sort of nuance is into one ear and out the other with you.

by Top-Teacher 4 weeks ago

Yes bc we don't know the exact science yet behind the formation of a consciousness through interacting portion of cells in the form of the brain, the ONLY possible answer must be God. /s

by Worldly_Can_6180 4 weeks ago

We're a social species. We survived and thrived because we learned how to work cohesively. You get more out of people through kindness, empathy, and compassion. People who were unkind and harmful would be pushed out of the group, and less likely to survive to reproduce. After millions of years of this, we have generally become really good at knowing what is nice and what is mean. What is kind and what is unkind. What is right to do to other people and what is wrong. That's right, evolution impacts the social development of a species just like the physical. It's all behavioral. Why is it so hard for you religious zealots to understand that you shouldn't harm others unless your imaginary friend and book said not to do it?

by Genoveva67 4 weeks ago

Evolution says it's "survival of the fittest." The fittest find the line between shorterm gratification and survival. They're quickly weeded out in today's terms of "psychopath." Morality of God reings supreme in the realm of respect.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

That's not the case lmao. Evolution just cares about getting organisms to survive to reproduction, and sometimes raise their young. Behavior is 100% determined by evolution of animals. I study zookeeping technology and marine biology. We go over this quite a bit especially in my animal training and behavior classes. Highly social animals have to learn to get along or else they are cast out and often die. Evolution favors social intelligence in these species - including humans. Social intelligence includes knowing how to not be a d*ck unless you need to.

by Genoveva67 4 weeks ago

Lmao where does evolution account for consciousness?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Ricky Gervais on being an atheist ; "I'm free to murder as many people as I want to; zero"

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago


by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Oh you do "the right thing" at all times?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Not at all!

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

So it isn't you than.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

The greater good of the group.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Who decides what's good?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

No one, it's what's in the best interest of the greater good of the group. Evolution.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

What's the moral high ground under god? Do you need a vengeful deity to be honourable and decent?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You don't NEED said deity, but there's no such concept of morality without a moral lawmaker.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Who told you this

by Desperate_Ad 4 weeks ago

The "brainwashing" he claims social media is doing is actually being done to him

by Top-Teacher 4 weeks ago

Ask more questions of the people around you. I promise they'll give you the same opinions if you're willing to listen.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

"your conclusion is based on the way you use social media, it's not universal" "haha gotcha, i DONT use social media. way to assume, idiot" "oh so you were speculating, it's not from experience" "haha gotcha, i DID use social media before. assuming again, idiot" this is not the intellectual flex you think it is my guy.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You might wanna touch some grass buddy. You're getting way too angry. The internet isn't worth it.

by Eterry 4 weeks ago

theres a difference between being annoyed and being angry, and dude was just annoying.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Hundreds of people dying in an explosion is never funny. Except if it's a meme, then it's hilarious.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Most people here don't want to say anything offensive because they aren't thinking something offensive. If the do, they don't say it because they actually care about being offensive. Except maybe to assholes that deserve it. And it's ridiculously easy to hold moral high ground over religious people.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I really like the religious people who think if their kid sees a mom breastfeeding it will corrupt their children.... who breastfed as children. Those are some weak morals those kids must have.

by Various-Knowledge 4 weeks ago

I've never heard of this hypothetical you've created.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Why did you have to bring in your imaginary God friend into the conversation?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Explain Morality without God 💁

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Explain morality WITH God? I don't see how morality is different with God versus without God.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I hit someone. They fall down and start crying in pain. It makes me feel bad so I don't do it anymore and help them up.

by Ok_Phase 4 weeks ago

The burden of proof is on you. You keep using this as a "gotcha" response, but it just shows everyone that you don't understand basic logic lmao. Most unpopular opinions come from people who don't understand logic and critical thinking lol.

by WeeklyBox5641 4 weeks ago

You CAN'T answer my question. Proof enough.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This is unpopular?

by Accomplished-Pen1594 4 weeks ago

No, but OP sure seems to be.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It means that you can use social media for good by using the right information to feed into peoples brains.

by Tight-Egg 4 weeks ago

Lol this assumes people are after the truth...

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I mean, I agree with your premise but your example doesn't make such sense. What does God have to do with anything? I know plenty of atheists and religious people alike who I consider to have good morals.

by LetterheadMedium8549 4 weeks ago

Say what you want to say! Just remember…freedom of speech is NOT freedom from consequences.

by Educational-Web 4 weeks ago

Same to you.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Ok…I already do that but thanks for the advice I just gave you.

by Educational-Web 4 weeks ago

World's most lukewarm take lmao, this is about as hot as tepid tap water

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

If your implication is that those who worship a god have a higher moral position, you're just wrong. If you need the looming threat of eternal damnation to act like a civilised person, you're a toddler looking for direction from sky daddy. If you try to do good just because you care for the planet, the fellow man, or whatever, you are automatically more righteous than someone who only doesn't act out because father cloud won't let you into his private club.

by Excellent_Menu 4 weeks ago

the irony of a religious nutjob lecturing us about brainwashing (not all religious are nutjobs ofc but this guy is)

by amy23 4 weeks ago

The irony of you passing the judgment, that's God given, to assume you know my story.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Ok boomer

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I was born in 1990.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Self-censorship is part of the human social experience. Ever had a boss who was an asshole but didn't say that to his face? that's self-censorship. Nobody is telling that you can't see anything, but as with your boss you've got to be able to comprehend that actions have consequences.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Self censorship is what you do to get by in the world. It has nothing to do with social media. It has everything to do with being a social animal. In real life if you do not self censor you are likely to get physically harmed. On social media the penalties are much less damaging.

by nhirthe 4 weeks ago

This isn't unpopular

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I AGREE bro you should log off rn

by joannie85 4 weeks ago

People tend to say nastier things online because they're hiding behind a screen. You also get bombarded when you have a different opinion.

by OkRough1255 4 weeks ago

That's not brainwashing, and self censorship exists in the real world too, especially if you're visible in the public eye. Plenty of media personalities have lost their jobs because of something they said. Not sure what that last sentence means, doesn't make any sense, unless you're trying to inject some kind of objective morality argument when it has nothing to do with what you said.

by Spiritual-Rice 4 weeks ago

God isn't real and knowing that does make me more moral than you. Good of you to bring this up

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Religion is just brainwashing.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Op probably just faced the consequences of his actions for the first time and is shocked lol. U can say as much offensive stuff as u want but expect people to be offended yea, that's usually the nature of it all.

by tremaine09 4 weeks ago

Uggghh I wish I learned that quick. 😔

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

This is not unpopular AT ALL

by Schillerderrick 4 weeks ago

You lost me at the god part…

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You might learn yet. Everything doesn't come from nothing.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Yes, I'm Christian! 👍

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

What makes you a "living creature" and why do you "fear death?"

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Username checks out.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Ad hominem

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago


by Medical-Branch 4 weeks ago

Yupp sounds right. Jesus is king.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I've spent the last minute proposing single unanswered questions 😆

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

The irony

by Careless_Forever_715 4 weeks ago

My fear with social media is actually the algorithms creating behaviours in us that only benefit the companies. Where profit is concerned morals inadvertently make it out the door

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Rain is wet.

by Okeefeparker 4 weeks ago

You sir are correct and it can also be tuned in a way to create Manchurian candidates and/or get people to unalive themselves through hypnosis.

by Wymanbernita 4 weeks ago

It's by design. It's to prevent you from thinking critically and just make you follow the herd

by Outrageous-Sun 4 weeks ago

South Park I think called out social media the best with Gerald Broflovski's trolling arc. It wouldn't surprise me if there as a small group of apolitical trolls who are just seeing how far they can push all the insanity for their own entertainment. Alternatively social media gives voice to the mentally ill who would normally be ignored in real life, but online they can find other like minded individuals to make their insanity seem more "mainstream".

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago